Income Tax Severed Letters - 2007-02-02


2007 Ruling 2006-0212021R3 - Income Trust Reorganization

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132.2 131(8) 253.1

Principal Issues: Whether transferring the partnership held partly by a corporate subsidiary to an income trust on a rollover basis using section 85, 97 and 132.2 meets the requirements of the Act and is within policy. Before the proposed transactions the trust owns indirectly the shares of the corporation that is a partner of the partnership. At the end of the proposed transactions, it owns a limited partnership interest.

Position: The proposed transactions meets the requirements of the Act and rulings on the various rollover provisions and section 245 are granted.

Reasons: The provisions of the Act; the trustees of the trust do not form the majority of the directors of the corporate general partner.

2006 Ruling 2006-0210271R3 - Income Trust Transfer

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248(1)(f) 248(25.1) 80(1)

Principal Issues:
Whether paragraph (f) of the definition of the term "disposition" in subsection 248(1) applies to exempt the transfers from being disposition when 5 commercial trusts (CT) transfer their assets to a master commercial trust (MCT)? Before the proposed transactions, a mutual fund trust (the Fund) owns the units of the 5 CTs. As part of the proposed transactions, the Fund will form the MCT. The CTs will be dissolved following the transfer of their assets to the MCT

Provided that the conditions described in subparagraphs 248(1)(f)(i) to (vii) are satisfied at the time of the transfers, no disposition of assets will result from the transfers by the CTs to the MCT.

As a beneficiary of each CT, the Fund owns the beneficial interest in the assets of each CT. After the proposed transfers, the Fund will have the beneficial interest in the assets owned by the MCT. Therefore, the rights of the Fund, as a beneficiary of the MCT, are the same after the transfer as the rights that the Fund, as a beneficiary of each CT, has before the transfer.

2006 Ruling 2006-0214421R3 - changes in facts relating to income trust reorg

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Principal Issues: Certain transactions proposed in the original ruling, which had no effect on the rulings given, will not be undertaken at this time. In addition, some of the administrative details may be carried out in a slightly different order.

Position: The proposed changes to the proposed transactions will not have any impact on the rulings previously given in file 2006-017293.

2006 Ruling 2006-0173601R3 - Permanent establishment

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Principal Issues: (1) Whether the activities carried on by the Foreign Bank in Canada, through a Representative Office, can be considered to have a preparatory or auxiliary character for the purposes of the XXXXXXXXXX treaty PE Article?

Position: (1)yes

Reasons: Based on the facts

2006 Ruling 2006-0185201R3 - Licence - available for use

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20(1)(a) 20(1)(c) 20(1)(e) 212(1)(b)(vii)

Principal Issues: The application of the available for use rules to the licence acquired by the corporation

Position: Paragraph 13(27)(b) of the Income Tax Act will apply until the licence is used for the purpose of earning income.

Reasons: The licence will be acquired before it will be used for the purpose of earning income such that paragraph 13(27)(b) of the Act will apply.

2006 Ruling 2006-0201551R3 - Incorporating a XXXXXXXXXX Practice

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125(7) 256(2.1)

Principal Issues: Where a partner of a professional XXXXXXXXXX partnership creates a professional corporation through which professional XXXXXXXXXX services are provided to XXXXXXXXXX , will the corporation be carrying on a personal services business and/or earning specified partnership income?

Position: Question of fact. Generally, no, if certain conditions are met.

Reasons: Reading of relevant legislation and consistent with other rulings.

2006 Ruling 2006-0202101R3 - Incorporating a XXXXXXXXXX Practice

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125(7) 256(2.1)

Principal Issues: Where a partner of a professional XXXXXXXXXX partnership creates a professional corporation through which professional XXXXXXXXXX services are provided to XXXXXXXXXX , will the corporation be carrying on a personal services business and/or earning specified partnership income?

Position: Question of fact. Generally, no, if certain conditions are met.

Reasons: Reading of relevant legislation and consistent with other rulings.

Technical Interpretation - External

31 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0200231E5 - United Nations Population Fund

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Principal Issues: Is income from employment by the United Nations Population Fund exempt from tax in Canada?

Position: The taxpayer is entitled to a deduction in computing his taxable income for the income from employment by the United Nations Population Fund pursuant to subparagraph 110(1)(f)(iii) of the Act.

Reasons: The United Nations Population Fund is an integral part of the United Nations. Therefore, pursuant to paragraph 8900 (1)(a) of the Regulations, it is a prescribed international organization for the purposes of subparagraph 110(1)(f)(iii) of the Act.

30 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0199501E5 - Settlement In Respect Of Future LTD Benefits

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6(1)(f) 5(1) 6(1)

Principal Issues:
Tax treatment of a lump sum settlement received by an employee or former employee in respect of future long-term disability ("LTD") benefits under an employer's self-funded LTD plan.

Where an employer's self-funded LTD plan is not an insurance plan, it is our view that Tsiaprailis [2005] DTC 5119 (SCC) would have no direct relevance in the tax treatment of a lump sum settlement received by an employee or former employee in respect of future LTD benefits under the plan. In the absence of any other information, it is our view, where an employee receives a lump sum benefit under an uninsured wage loss replacement plan pursuant to the terms of an employment contract, the amount is to be included in computing the taxpayer's income under subsection 5(1) or section 6, as income from an office or employment.

Reading of the relevant legislation and Agency's general position in IT-428 regarding uninsured wage loss replacement plans.

29 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0195221E5 - Damages for wrongful dismissal

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248(1) 56(1)(a)(ii)

Principal Issues: Whether any part of damages paid to a taxpayer for wrongful dismissal can be considered non-taxable.

Position: Question of fact; however, most of the damages would likely constitute retiring allowances.

Reasons: Only where an award of damages relate to events or actions unrelated to or separate form the loss of employment will damages be treated as non-taxable.

29 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0200171E5 - Mileage Allowance

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6(1)(b) 81(3.1)

Principal Issues:
Whether an allowance or reimbursement paid to teachers who are on call as substitutes in respect of travel between home and the workplace is a taxable employee benefit under the Act.

For income tax purposes, travel between home and the workplace is personal in nature and applies equally to regular scheduled work trips and the trips that occur while an employee is on call. Accordingly, any payment in respect of such travel is a taxable benefit to the employee under subsection 6(1). Subsection 81(3.1) exempt from employment income an allowance or reimbursement with respect to travel expenses paid by an employer to a part-time employee for travel necessitated by the part-time employment, where certain conditions are satisfied.

Understanding of long standing policy objectives of the legislation.

29 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0212301E5 - Teacher's Convention Costs

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Principal Issues:
Tax treatment of the costs incurred by a teacher in complying with his or her legal and professional obligation under the Alberta School Act (1988) to attend the annual two-day teacher's convention.

The Act generally does not provide for an employee to deduct convention fees and training expenses including related travel, meal and accommodation expense.

Reading of the relevant legislation.

25 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0199451E5 - License Agreement

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Schedule II of Regulations

Principal Issues: Whether the license agreement for a childcare facility should be classified as a license or lease for CCA purposes.

Position: It is a license.

Reasons: The agreement would result is a license as this is the stated intent of the parties

XXXXXXXXXX Charles Rafuse
(613) 957-8967
January 25, 2007

22 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0187791E5 - Amounts received by Priest for services

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5(1) 6(1) 8(1)(c)

Principal Issues: 1) Whether an employee or self-employed. 2) Are amounts received taxable? 3) Are income tax withholdings required by the Payer?

Position: Question of fact

Reasons: Depends upon facts and whether an employee or self-employed.

XXXXXXXXXX 2006-018779
Joy Bertram
January 22, 2007

19 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0216201E5 - Flow-through shares of a deceased taxpayer

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66(12.69) 66.1(7) 53(2)(c)(ii)(C) 107(2)

Principal Issues: Who is entitled to deduct Canadian exploration expense (CEE) in the situation where an individual subscribes for units of a limited partnership in a particular calendar year; prior to the end of that year, the individual dies and the units are acquired by the individual's estate, which holds the units on December 31 of that year. On December 31 of that year, the limited partnership allocates CEE that has been renounced to the partnership (as a result of holding flow-through shares) to its partners as of that date?

Position: Subject to the limitation in subsection 66.8(1), the estate can deduct the CEE in its tax year that includes the partnership's fiscal period ending December 31, as it will be a partner on the date that the CEE is allocated by the limited partnership to its partners.

Reasons: CEE can only be allocated to the persons that are partners at the end of the partnership's fiscal year, pursuant to paragraph (h) of the definition of CEE in subsection 66.1(6). Subsection 66.8(1) restricts the amount of CEE allocated to a limited partner to the partner's at-risk amount less investment tax credit allocated to partner from the partnership. The estate is considered to have legal title to the partnership units.

19 January 2007 External T.I. 2005-0159711E5 - Disposition of shares by a non-resident

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84(3) 128.1(4)(b) 212(2) 119

Principal Issues: Is a resident of Switzerland taxable in Canada on the disposition of shares of Corporation where the purchaser is Corporation?

Position: In a situation where the purchaser of the shares of the capital stock of a corporation is that corporation, a dividend is deemed to have been paid to the shareholder pursuant to subsection 84(3) of the Act. That deemed dividend is equal to the proceeds of disposition less the paid-up capital of the shares. Pursuant to subsection 212(2), that deemed dividend will be subject to Part XIII tax. Pursuant to subsection 40(3.7) and 112(3), the capital loss resulting from the disposition would be reduced. Where the period of reassessment of paragraph 152(4)(b) is not expired, Part XIII tax paid on dividends may be credited by the amount provided in section 119 against the tax imposed on the departure gain on shares.

Reasons: Provisions of the Act.

19 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0208561E5 F - Salaire et dommages reçus par succession

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70(1) 70(2)

Principal Issues: Dans le contexte du règlement d'une plainte pour l'équité salariale, la succession d'une personne décédée a reçu un dédommagement qui vise un ajustement de salaire rétroactif, des dommages moraux et des intérêts. Ce dédommagement est-il imposable et si oui, par qui?

Position: Commentaires généraux

Reasons: Pas suffisamment d'information pour se prononcer d'une façon définitive.

14 January 2007 External T.I. 2006-0187471E5 - Taxability of Financial Assistance to Students

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56(1)(n) Reg.200(2)

Principal Issues: 1) Whether Financial Assistance paid to students is taxable per s. 56(1)(n) as a bursary.
2) Whether T4A's should be issued to students.

Position: 1) Yes. 2) Yes.

Reasons: ITA

Technical Interpretation - Internal

23 January 2007 Internal T.I. 2006-0217341I7 - Reserve in the year of death

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40(1)(a)(iii) 72(2)

Principal Issues: A right to receive an amount payable was transferred to the spouse as a consequence of the death of a taxpayer and an election has been jointly filed by the spouse and the taxpayer's legal representative pursuant to subsection 72(2) of the Act. During the previous years, the taxpayer has claimed a reserve pursuant to subparagraph 40(1)(a)(iii) of the Act. In the year of death, the taxpayer claimed a reserve pursuant to paragraph 72(2)(b) of the Act. What are the tax consequences for the spouse?

Position: The spouse will have to consider as a gain determined under subparagraph 40(1)(a)(i) the equivalent to the amount of the reserve claimed by the deceased in the year of death. However, the spouse may claim a reserve pursuant to subparagraph 40(1)(a)(iii) using the assumptions provided for in paragraph 72(2)(c) of the Act. In the year of death, the spouse may claim the same amount of reserve as the deceased claimed.

Reasons: Dispositions of paragraphs 72(2)(b) and (c) of the Act and of subparagraph 40(1)(a)(iii) of the Act.

15 January 2007 Internal T.I. 2006-0216801I7 - Redemption of US $ Denominated Shares

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s. 39(2) application on USD pref redemption, cf. if USD common shares
MacMillan Bloedel to be followed

Principal Issues: Whether our position announced at the 1999 TEI Conference and the 2000 CTF Conference regarding foreign exchange losses to the issuer corporation on redemption of its shares is still our position?

Position: Yes

Reasons: We accept the reasoning in The Queen v. MacMillan Bloedel, 99 DTC 5446 (FCA)