Veranium Corporation Inc. In-basket (EPSI)


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Veranium Corporation Inc. In-basket (EPSI)

Identification Code


About the assessment

The VCI-IB is a multiple-choice test that assesses your ability to react to middle-management situations.

This test assesses the following Key Leadership Competencies (KLCs):

  • Create vision and strategy
  • Mobilize people
  • Achieve results

The test also assesses the following EPSI competency:

  • Client orientation

During the test, you will be invited to play the role of an employee from a fictitious organization and to review background information on the organization (for example, organizational chart, job description).

You will be presented with twelve situations that may be encountered in a management position. For each situation, you will respond to a series of multiple choice questions by selecting the most appropriate statement to resolve the situation, for a total of 69 questions.

The situations can involve several topics such as client satisfaction, requests from employees, and activity and budget reports. Your decisions and answers must be based on the circumstances stated in the background information and scenarios given in the test.

Assessment Format

Unsupervised Internet test

Location of assessment


Portability of result

Yes, see additional information

Retest period

180 days

Validity period

5 years

Time to complete assessment

90 minutes

Number of questions

69 questions

Categories to evaluate

Behavioural Competencies

Type of questions

Multiple choice

Sample question(s)


Practice test


Possible result

For each of the qualifications assessed, you will get a score out of 5.

Additional information

Regarding the portability of result, you can transfer your test results to other staffing processes if the same test is used.

Page details

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