Words and Phrases - "residential"
26 May 2009 External T.I. 2009-0318441E5 F - Bâtiment non-résidentiel admissible
Would an addition made after March 18, 2007 to a seniors’ residence qualify as an eligible non-residential building? CRA stated:
In order to determine whether a building is used for residential purposes - and therefore for purposes that do not qualify for accelerated CCA - … it is necessary to consider the use of the building by its occupants. For example, a building - such as an apartment tower - that is used by its occupants as a residence will not be an eligible non-residential building. Conversely … a building that is used in the operation of a hotel complex or a building that is more institutional than residential - is generally used for non-residential purposes. …[A] building … for the elderly - whose units … are similar to those of an apartment building - cannot constitute an eligible non-residential building.