Account balance and activities


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View and pay account balance

View and pay an interim balance of payments and credits received for a period end of a return not yet processed and view and pay a balance as a result of a return processed for a specific period less held credits and any amounts under dispute not yet applied or not yet due.

Select any hyperlinked period end, balance or total amount to view the corresponding transactions. You can also select the "View account transactions" link from the left sidebar menu.

Select "Transfer payment" to transfer a payment/credit from one interim period to another or to an amount owing within and between program accounts of the same 9-digit business number (BN).

Select "Calculate future balance" to view a revised balance that includes interest calculated to a date you select. This option is available on the left sidebar menu if you have an amount owing in a filing period.

Select "Customized view of transactions" to view account transactions for a timeframe of your choice that may not coincide with a specific period end. You can also select this option from the left sidebar menu and the "Account Transactions" screen.

Select "View interest" to display interest calculated up to the current day.

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