Working income tax benefit: advance payments information


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Working income tax benefit: advance payments information

1. When are advance payments made?

The working income tax benefit payments are generally issued on the 5th day of each quarter.

You can subscribe to the Benefit and credit payment dates reminders electronic mailing list to be notified when the next working income tax benefit advance payments will be issued. You can view your next benefit payment date and amount with the MyBenefits CRA mobile application.

Working income tax benefit advance payment dates

April 5, 2018
July 5, 2018
October 5, 2018
January 4, 2019

For more information, please see Application and Eligibility.

2. I did not receive my advance payment. What should I do?

The CRA generally pays the working income tax benefit advance payments on the 5th day of each quarter. If your payment does not arrive on that day, please wait ten working days before calling the CRA at 1-800-959-8281.

3. Can I start getting my advance payments by direct deposit?

You can have your working income tax benefit advance payments deposited directly into your account at a financial institution. To start direct deposit, call 1-800-959-8281 or send the CRA a completed direct deposit enrolment form.

If for any reason the CRA cannot deposit a payment into your account, the CRA will mail a cheque to you at the address on file.

4. How do I change my banking information if I receive my payments by direct deposit?

If you get your payments by direct deposit and your banking information changes, call 1-800-959-8281 or send the CRA a completed direct deposit enrolment form.

5. What happens if you owe money?

If you received an overpayment, please refer to the CRA Balance owing – Benefits overpayment page.

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