The Integrity Framework


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The Integrity Framework

At the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), our strength resides in our commitment to our core values and ethics. That is why, from the moment an employee joins the CRA, we reinforce integrity as the cornerstone of our culture by setting employees up for success and supporting them in doing the right thing with healthy and respectful workplaces and clearly articulated standards. And if the standards are breached we follow through with consequences and corrective actions.

Launched in 2012, the CRA's Integrity Framework provides a sense of the scope and complexity inherent in protecting Canada's tax administration system and represents how everyone benefits from a culture of integrity by reinforcing each employee's role in maintaining the public's trust. The Integrity Framework was developed to strengthen the management of integrity at the CRA. It incorporates everything the Agency does to optimize security, trust, integrity, health, productivity, and sustainable success. The Framework's core instruments primarily protect integrity and prevent integrity lapses. They are clustered in groups that reflect their role in protecting CRA integrity: define, communicate and promote standards; monitor and enforce standards and correct lapses; and evaluate and report.

The framework is updated yearly to reflect the ongoing work within the CRA to ensure accountability and responsibility within the organization. The Integrity Framework reinforces the principle that protecting the integrity of the CRA—our systems, programs, data, and that intangible “trust”—is at the core of what we do and a shared responsibility of all employees.

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