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In 2007-2008, the Board of Management (Board) and Agency management worked together to finalize the Board of Management Oversight Framework (BoMOF). The BoMOF clearly defines the Board’s statutory responsibilities as set out in the Canada Revenue Agency Act. It also sets out the information the Board requires to ensure that it is effectively fulfilling its statutory responsibilities.

During the Treasury Board Secretariat’s (TBS) annual Management Accountability Framework (MAF) assessment of the CRA, the Secretariat traditionally refrains from rating the Agency in areas where the Board has oversight responsibility. The BoMOF functions as a complement to the MAF. The 2007-2008 fiscal year was when the Board first assessed of the Agency using the BoMOF.

What’s New for 2008-2009

The 2008-2009 Framework approved by the Board in December included updated, related key questions and management performance measures.

Changes to the 2008-2009 BoMOF Assessment of Performance include the following:

  • The performance management measures are now populated with data from 2007-2008. As this is the first reporting year for the measures, the 2007-2008 data will be used as the benchmark for trending and analysis in the coming years. Interim results for the 2008-2009 fiscal year are included when available in the Management Performance Measures section.
  • In 2007-2008, the BoMOF Assessment included a four-level rating scale (Strong, Acceptable, Opportunity for Improvement, Attention Required). The scale has been further developed to include rating criteria which provide clear, consistent, and objective assessment standards. The rating criteria will both facilitate and add rigour to the process by acting as a guide to the overall assessment of each area of management.

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