Board of Management Oversight Framework


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Board of Management Oversight Framework

Expectation (a): Service Strategy - The Board must assure itself that the Agency has established a service strategy that is adaptable to meet the evolving needs of taxpayers and benefit recipients.

Assessment Criteria

  • Progress against Service Strategy baseline data supports corporate objectives
  • Evidence of innovation

Information Considered by the Board

The CRA Service Strategy 2009-2010 to 2011-2012 sets out goals and measurable objectives for the Agency's service to Canadians. Following the Service Strategy's second year of implementation, the CRA continues to show solid progress on all of its services.

In 2010-2011, the Agency met its objectives for service standards and exceeded its objective of a five percent increase in the share of total interactions/transactions that are undertaken on a self-service basis one year ahead of time. However, the CRA's achievements with regard to taxpayer satisfaction have risen only modestly. Further results will be reported to the Board in the fall of 2012.

Board’s Assessment

Given the need to consider the Agency's post-budget transformation agenda and new Vision 2020 strategic directions, the Board agreed with the postponement of the Service Strategy renewal until the summer of 2012. It was agreed that the full Service Strategy 2013-2014 to 2015-2016 will be presented to the Board in March 2013.

Board’s Rating: Acceptable

Expectation (c): Service Redress Mechanism - The Board must assure itself that the Agency has established a service redress mechanism to address service complaints in a timely fashion.

Assessment Criteria

  • Service complaints are addressed in a timely manner
  • There is evidence of continuous improvement in relation to service complaints
  • Evidence of innovation

Information Considered by the Board

Over the past year, the CRA has met its 90% internal performance measures for timely resolution of service complaints and also met its 95% performance measures for timeliness in problem resolution cases.

In addition, the Agency has developed procedures and processes that enable it to identify and track trends and issues from a variety of sources that affect service delivery across the Agency. In 2010-2011, the Agency identified and addressed 16 of 21 issues; nine related to CRA processes and procedures, six related to poor or misleading information, two related to system errors, and the last four related to mistakes and undue delays.

The CRA continues to improve its service redress by building stronger relationships across the Agency and with other stakeholders and by providing more detailed trend analysis of service complaints. To address the Board's next steps identified in 2010-2011, an action plan has been developed and will be implemented by April 2012 to strengthen the transparency and accessibility of the taxpayer fairness instruments.

Board’s Assessment

The Board noted that investments made by the Agency have resulted in more timely and more accessible service redress mechanisms for taxpayers.

Board’s Rating: Strong

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