Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2010


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Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2010

Message from the Minister

The Government of Canada has committed to delivering positive environmental results for Canadians. To help achieve these commitments, the Government is encouraging Canadians to become directly involved by taking concrete action in their communities. But Canadians are not the only ones who need to take action.

This document, the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2010, represents nearly a decade of sustainable development work in the Agency. Since its first strategy in 1997, the Agency has worked to develop a strong management system for sustainable development that is backed by supportive management and motivated employees. Sustainable development is important to Canadians, and it is important to the CRA and its employees.

While the CRA will continue to apply all the facets of sustainable development to its operational and service delivery practices, this strategy moves the Agency one step further - from a primary focus on minimizing its environmental impacts, to demonstrating how its administration of tax and benefit programs has a positive impact on the economy and the social well-being of Canadians. Being a socially responsible organization is as important to the CRA as the continual greening of its internal operations.

I am proud of the work that the Agency has done thus far in applying sustainable development practices in our offices across the country.

The Honourable Carol Skelton, P.C., M.P.
Minister of National Revenue

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