RC4087 - Sustainable Development Strategy 2014-2017


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RC4087 - Sustainable Development Strategy 2014-2017

Table of contents

Message from the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner

At the Canada Revenue Agency, sustainable development is part of the way we do business. Our Sustainable Development Strategy 2014-2017 sets a three-year agenda that continues to green CRA programs and operations, and in turn supports Canada's Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.

As the CRA's Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner, we are proud to report we have a strong track record to build on. Since 1997, we have implemented sustainable development strategies that focus on improving our operational efficiencies, conserving resources, and reducing the impact of our operations on the environment. Last year's filing season offers a striking example of our success: 64% of individuals and 70% of businesses filed their taxes electronically, saving an estimated 771 million sheets of paper.

We chose this example from among many you will see outlined in this document because it so clearly demonstrates the CRA's commitment to service and innovation. Service because we are meeting the demand for electronic services, which reduces our footprint on the environment, and innovation because we continuously strive to find ways to improve every aspect of our business.

As we move forward with implementing our sustainable development strategy for the coming three years, we are confident that the Canada Revenue Agency will continue to demonstrate its strong support of Canada's Federal Sustainable Development Strategy and will also fulfill its commitment to providing more efficient and cost-effective tax and benefits programs to Canadians.

Andrew Treusch
Commissioner of Revenue and Chief Executive Officer

W. Davern Jones
Deputy Commissioner of Revenue

Executive summary

The Canada Revenue Agency Sustainable Development Strategy 2014-2017 was developed in consultation with sustainable development (SD) coordinators throughout the Agency and subject matter experts in key functional areas. Together they identified four key goals which represent areas for improvement going forward. These are: to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from operations; to ensure that environmental considerations are part of all purchasing decisions; to improve sustainability in workplace operations (for example, more sharing of office equipment such as printers); and to provide greener services (for example, more e-services).

For each of the four goals, the CRA has established specific activities and target dates for the next three-year strategy period, along with performance measures and accountabilities. These commitments were established based on the Agency's mandate, the nature of our programs, and our operational realities. They focus on leveraging technologies, improving efficiencies, reducing resource consumption and waste, and ensuring responsible stewardship of our assets. Further details can be found in the SD National Action Plan 2014-2017.

The current Sustainable Development Strategy builds on the significant results and improvements the Agency has achieved over the past 20 years. As of March 31, 2013, the CRA has:

  • reduced office paper use by 33% per employee since 2005-2006—spending 27% less annually to meet its business needs;
  • reduced the amount of paper used in external publications by 25% compared to 2008-2009;
  • introduced the No Waste recycling program in 84% of its facilities where 96% of its employees work—diverting a significant amount of waste from landfill;
  • right-sized its fleet of printers by moving from standalone printers to more cost-effective network printers—achieving an average ratio of 9.3 employees per printer;
  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions from CRA fleet vehicles by 19.6% from 2005-2006 levels;
  • purchased green products and services representing 15.4% of total annual expenditures; and
  • supported 64% of individuals and 70% of businesses in filing their taxes electronically—saving an estimated 771 million sheets of paper during the 2012 tax-filing year. Footnote 1

The CRA will continue to position itself as a strong, responsible contributor to the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS).

1.0 SD Strategy planning framework

CRA vision

The CRA is the model for trusted tax and benefit administration, providing unparalleled service and value to its clients, and offering its employees outstanding career opportunities

CRA values

Integrity . Professionalism . Respect . Co-operation

CRA mission

To administer tax, benefits, and related programs, and to ensure compliance on behalf of governments across Canada, thereby contributing to the ongoing economic and social well-being of Canadians

SD Strategy goals

  1. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions from operations
  2. Embedded environmental considerations in Crown procurement
  3. Improved sustainability in workplace operations
  4. Greener services

SD Strategy implementation strategies, targets, and activities

Detailed implementation strategies, targets, and activities can be found in the SD National Action Plan 2014-2017

SD Strategy monitoring

The CRA will report on its performance against the commitments in the SD Strategy through its annual report and the Departmental Performance Report

2.0 Introduction

The 2014-2017 SD Strategy has been developed under the new SD functional model through consultations with CRA management, CRA functional leads, and the federal community. Detailed information on the SD Strategy goals, implementation strategies, targets, and activities can be found in the SD National Action Plan 2014-2017.

The Government of Canada tabled its second Federal Sustainable Development Strategy on November 4, 2013. This updated strategy strengthens Canada's efforts to achieve environmental sustainability by continuing to improve the transparency and accountability in integrating sustainable development within government operations.

Since 1997, the CRA has addressed its federal sustainable development accountabilities through its departmental SD strategy. The newest CRA Strategy and National Action Plan support the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS), continue to green CRA programs and operations, and further integrate SD into the CRA governance framework. The SD Strategy supports the sustainable development content that is included in CRA's Corporate Business Plan 2014-2015 to 2016-2017 and the 2014-2015 Report on Plans and Priorities.

3.0 SD goals and targets

The following table outlines the SD Strategy goals, implementation strategies, and targets, which are relevant to the CRA's operations and represent opportunities to reduce its environmental impacts.

SD goals and targets
Goals Implementation strategies Targets
Goal 1

Goal 1:
Reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from operations

  • Improve sustainable fleet management
  • Review and update CRA's implementation plan to reduce GHG emissions from fleet operations
  • Report annually on GHG emissions from fleet operations
  • Promote sustainable travel options to all employees

Target 1.1 By 2020, reduce GHG emissions from fleet by a minimum of 17% relative to 2005-2006 levels

Target 1.2 By 2021, reduce GHG emissions from business related air travel by a minimum of 25% relative to 2008-2009 levels

Goal 2

Goal 2:
Embedded environmental considerations in Crown procurement

  • Integrate environmental considerations into procurement management processes and controls
  • Train procurement and materiel management functional specialists on green procurement
  • Include green procurement in performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management
  • Leverage common use procurement instruments where available and feasible

Target 2.1 Continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into Crown procurement

Target 2.2 All procurement and materiel management functional specialists will have completed the Canada School of Public Service course on green procurement, or equivalent, within two years of being identified as a specialist

Target 2.3 All managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management will include green procurement in their performance evaluations

Target 2.4 By March 31, 2017, 90% of copy paper, publications, and envelopes purchased will contain a minimum of 30% recycled content paper that is certified to a recognized environmental standard to reduce the environmental impact of its production

Target 2.5 By March 31, 2017, 90% of vehicles purchased are right-sized for operational needs and are the most fuel efficient in class available at the time of purchase

Goal 3

Goal 3:
Improved sustainability in workplace operations

  • Integrate environmental considerations into corporate policies, processes and practices in accordance with CRA refresh cycles
  • Maintain or improve existing approaches to sustainable workplace practices (i.e., printer ratios, paper use, and green meetings)
  • Minimize the ratio of information technology (IT) assets per employee
  • Select and operate IT and office equipment in a manner that reduces energy consumption and material use
  • Dispose of e-waste in an environmentally sound and secure manner
  • Reuse or recycle workplace materiel and assets in an environmentally sound and secure manner
  • Minimize all non-hazardous solid waste generated and leverage PWGSC service offerings to maximize the diversion of waste
  • Increase the population density in office buildings and space utilization in special purpose buildings
  • Engage employees in greening government operations practices

Target 3.1 Continue to update and adopt policies and practices to improve the sustainability of workplace operations

Target 3.2 Continue to promote sustainable workplace operations to all employees through InfoZone and national SD events (i.e., Earth Day, Environment Week, Waste Reduction Week)

Target 3.3 Maintain a minimum 8:1 average ratio of employees (i.e., full time equivalent) to printing units (i.e., desktop printers, standalone printers, network attached/LAN connected printers, multi-functional devices) where building occupancy levels, security considerations, and space configuration allow

Target 3.4 By March 31, 2017, reduce multipurpose office paper use per employee by 38% from 2005-2006 levels

Target 3.5 By March 31, 2015, achieve a 1.15:1 average ratio of computing devices (i.e., desktop, laptop) to employee (i.e., full time equivalent)

Target 3.6 By March 31, 2015, 90% of desktops, laptops, and monitors have centralized power management settings

Target 3.7 By March 31, 2017, attain Workplace 2.0 accreditation for 100% of new fit-ups and 50% of major refits where business cases support application of CRA Workplace 2.0 standards

Goal 4

Goal 4:
Greener Services

  • Develop and enhance e-service options for clients, taxpayers, and benefit recipients
  • Increase electronic tax filing
  • Introduce and expand electronic options in CRA programs

Target 4.1 Continue to develop and enhance e-service options for My Account, My Business Account, and Represent a Client

Target 4.2 Continue to increase electronic filing of individual and business returns

Target 4.3 By March 31, 2017, introduce and expand electronic options for CRA programs

The SD National Action Plan 2014-2017 gives a detailed account of the activities that the SD program will undertake between April 1, 2014, and March 31, 2017, to contribute to the strategy's four goals. The action plan outlines the goals, targets, and supporting activities. Outputs, measures, accountability offices, and due dates are also identified to enable implementation and assess progress.

4.0 Forecast expenditures

The SD Strategy will be funded from existing operational budgets within responsibility cost centres.

5.0 Communication plan

The 2014-2017 SD Strategy will be communicated to external and internal audiences. For external audiences, SD information will be posted on the CRA website to meet the requirements of the FSDS and the 2014-2015 Report on Plans and Priorities. The content will include links to the 2014-2017 SD Strategy.

For internal audiences, the CRA will inform employees of the launch of the 2014-2017 SD Strategy through its intranet site, InfoZone. The CRA will also continue to engage the SD Network—consisting of managers, employees, and committees from each branch and region across the CRA—to support and communicate SD initiatives at the branch, regional, and local levels.

6.0 Conclusion

Given the success of the SD program at the CRA over the past 20 years, we anticipate that the 2014-2017 SD Strategy will continue to produce positive SD results for the CRA, support innovation, improve efficiencies, and ensure responsible stewardship of CRA assets.

Internal accountability, monitoring, and reporting structure

The following shows the internal accountability, monitoring, and reporting structure for the SD program:

[Text description of image]


  • Board of Management
    • Roles:
      • Reviews and approves SD strategies
      • Oversees SD performance
    • Documents:
      • SD Strategy
      • SD National Action Plan
      • SD input to CBP/RPP and Annual Report/DPR
      • SD Annual Performance Report
  • Agency Management Committee
    • Roles:
      • Reviews and approves SD strategies
      • Oversees SD performance
    • Documents:
      • SD Strategy
      • SD National Action Plan
      • SD input to CBP/RPP and Annual Report/DPR
      • SD Annual Performance Report
  • SD Centre of Expertise (SIB)
    • Roles
      • Develops SD strategies
      • Monitors, evaluates, and reports on performance
    • Documents:
      • SD Strategy
      • SD National Action Plan
      • SD input to CBP/RPP and Annual Report/DPR
      • SD Annual Performance Report
  • SD Network
  • Key functional areas


Footnote 1

Based on data from the 2012 program year (February 13, 2012, to January 25, 2013).

Return to footnote1 referrer

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