Canada Revenue Agency 2015-16 Departmental Performance Report


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2015-16 Departmental Performance Report

Foreword by the Chair

"In 2015-2016, the CRA Board of Management continued to aggressively support streamlining and simplifying services to Canadians as well as increasing services in digital format.” —Richard (Rick) Thorpe

The 2015-2016 fiscal year was a period of transition in Canada's government. At the December Board of Management meeting, members were pleased to meet the new Minister of National Revenue, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, who discussed key elements of her mandate.

Over the reporting period, Board members continued to oversee the administration and management of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), in fulfilment of statutory obligations. Members focussed on strategic priorities from the 2015-2018 Corporate Business Plan, including simplified and streamlined service to Canadians, human and financial resource optimization, integrity, and security. The Board continued to encourage innovation in order to provide better service, as well as to support voluntary compliance.

Board members were particularly supportive of the CRA's plan for full digital interaction by 2020, as defined in the CRA e-Interactions Strategy and Roadmap. Members welcomed the implementation of Auto-fill my return, and the continued simplification and streamlining of service to reduce the administrative burden on small and medium businesses. Members applauded the plain-language correspondence initiative.

The Board emphasizes integrity and security as a cornerstone of maintaining the trust of Canadians in the CRA. To this end, members reviewed the Canada Revenue Agency Code of Integrity and Professional Conduct and the Directive on Conflict of Interest, Gifts and Hospitality, and Post-Employment. The Board will continue the timely annual review of these policy instruments as they evolve because of their vital role in preserving the CRA's reputation for fairness towards all Canadians. Members also monitored the completion of the "Reliability Status +" security screening of CRA executives.

The Board followed all aspects of people management with attention; succession planning is especially significant as the baby-boomer group retires and is replaced by the skilled workforce of the future. The Board approved a new three-year Agency Workforce Plan, and members remain particularly attentive to the oversight of recruitment.

Once again this year, after monitoring the CRA's investments and financial results, the Board noted the CRA's strength in fulfilling its financial obligations, including the realization of savings commitments and mitigation of fiscal rebalancing measures.

At the time of writing this foreword, I wish to note the retirement in June 2016 of the Commissioner of National Revenue, Mr. Andrew Treusch, and express the Board's appreciation of Andrew's collaboration with the Board. We continue our interactions with different levels of CRA personnel, and look forward to continued cooperation.

On behalf of the CRA Board of Management, I am pleased to recommend this report to the Minister of National Revenue, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, for tabling in Parliament.

Original signed

Richard (Rick) Thorpe, CPA, FCPA, CMA, FCMA
Chair, Board of Management

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