T3 D Income Tax Return for Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP) or Revoked DPSP


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T3 D Income Tax Return for Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP) or Revoked DPSP

What's new
2017V1 - updated 2017-01-17




- Required 1 alpha
- Originals = O
- Amendments= A
- Modifié= M
- Cancel = C

Account Number
- Required T + 8 numeric
- Must correspond to the "Trust account number" assigned by the CRA

Required – must include all required child tags

Name of Trustee filing this return
- Required 30 alphanumeric
- First 30 letters of the trustee's name
- Omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.

Name of Trustee filing this return
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second 30 letters of the trustee's name
- Omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.


Required – must include all required child tags

Mailing address of trustee–line 1

- Required 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the trustee's address

Mailing address of trustee–line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- second line of the trustee address

- Required 28 alphanumeric
- City in which the trustee is located

Province or territory
- Required 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the trustee is located
- Use the abbreviations listed in the "T619 - Electronic media transmittal" under section: Transmitter province or territory code.

Country code
- 3 alpha
- Country in which the trustee is located
- Use the alphabetic country codes as outlined in the International Standard (ISO) 3166 - Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.

Postal code
- Required 10 alphanumeric
- Trustee's Canadian postal code, format: alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, example: A9A9A9


Required – must include all required child tags

Area code

- Required 3 numeric
- Area code of telephone number

Telephone number

- Required 3 numeric with a (-), followed by 4 numeric.
- Telephone number of trustee

- 5 numeric
- Extension of telephone number



- 1 alpha
- A = Anglais
- E = English
- F = French

– must include all required child tags

Trust fiscal period end date –Year
- Required 4 numeric

Trust fiscal period end date –Month
- Required 2 numeric

Trust fiscal period end date - Day
- Required 2 numeric


First Year Filing
- 1 alpha
-Y = Yes
- N = No/Non
-O = Oui

Province or territory of residence of the plan
- Required 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the plan resides
- Accepted values are AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK or YT

Optional -
if present must include all required child tags

Trust effective Date –Year
- Required 4 numeric

Trust effective Date –Month
- Required 2 numeric

Trust effective date - Day
- Required 2 numeric


Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Trust expiry date –Year
Required - 4 numeric

Trust expiry date –Month
Required - 2 numeric

Trust expiry date – Day
Required - 2 numeric


Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Address where trust keeps its books and records –line 1
- Required 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the books and records location address

Address where trust keeps its books and records –line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- second line of the books and records location address

Book City
- Required 28 alphanumeric
- City in which the books and records are located

Book Province or territory

- Required 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the books and records are located
- Use the abbreviations listed in the T619 - Electronic media transmittal under section: Transmitter province or territory code.

Country code
- 3 alpha
- Country in which the trustee is located
- Use the alphabetic country codes as outlined in the International Standard (ISO) 3166 - Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.

Book Postal code

- Required 10 alphanumeric
- Books and records postal code, format: alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, example: A9A9A9


Name of Other Trustees
- 60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of other trustee names
- Omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.


Name of new trust, pension corporation, or insurance company
- 60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of the new trust name

Optional -
if present must include all required child tags

Transfer Date –Year
Required- 4 numeric
- Year the funds were transferred to another trust

Transfer Date –Month
Required- 2 numeric
- Month the funds were transferred to another trust

Transfer date - Day
Required- 2 numeric
- Day the funds were transferred to another trust



Name of Plan

- Required 60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of the name of plan

Plan Registration Number
- Required 7 numeric
- The first 7 digits of the plan registration number assigned by the CRA

Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Trust revocation date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Trust revocation date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Trust revocation date – Day
Required- 2 numeric






Description of investment
- 60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of the description

Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Trust acquisition date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Trust acquisition date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Trust acquisition date – Day
Required- 2 numeric


Fair market value at date of acquisition
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total investment tax payable on non-qualified acquisitions (Schedule 1 Area A line 1, Field 100)
-Sum of all Investment AcquisitionFairMarketValueAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents




Description of property
- 60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of the description

Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Trust acquisition date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Trust acquisition date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Trust acquisition date – Day
Required- 2 numeric


Fair market value at date first used
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Tax on property used as security for a loan
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only





Description of property (Schedule 1 Area C Section 1 Column A)
-60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of description


Schedule 1 Area C Section 1 Column B)
Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Disposition date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Disposition date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Disposition date – Day
Required- 2 numeric


Fair market value at date of disposition (Schedule 1 Area C Section 1 Column C)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Proceeds of disposition (Schedule 1 Area C Section 1 Column D)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Taxable amount of disposition (Schedule 1 Area C Section 1 Column E)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total property disposition taxable amount (Schedule 1 Area C Section 1 Line 3)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- If negative amounts are being reported, include the ""indicator before the dollar amount





Description of property (Schedule 1 Area C Section 2 Column A)
-60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of description

(Schedule 1 Area C Section 2 Column B)
Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Acquisition date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Acquisition date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Acquisition date – Day
Required- 2 numeric


Proceeds of acquisition (Schedule 1 Area C Section 2 Column C)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Fair market value at date of Acquisition (Schedule 1 Area C Section 2 Column D)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents

Taxable amount of acquisition (Schedule 1 Area C Section 2 Column E)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total property disposition taxable amount (Schedule 1 Area C Section 2 Line 4) - Sum of all AcquisitionTaxableAmount
- Sum of all AcquisitionTaxableAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total Schedule 1 Area C taxable amount where inadequate consideration given on purchase or sale (Field 210)
15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- If negative amounts are being reported, include the ""indicator before the dollar amount

Total Schedule 1 Area C tax payable where inadequate consideration given on purchase or sale (Schedule 1 Area C Section 2 Line 7, Field 110)- TotalTaxableAmount * 1/2
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only




Years that excess contributions were made
-60 alphanumeric
-First 60 letters/numbers

Name of beneficiary (Schedule 2 Area A)
-60 Alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of beneficiary's name

Social Insurance Number (Schedule 2 Area A)
- 9 numeric
-The beneficiary's SIN
-When the beneficiary has failed to provide a SIN, enter zeroes in the entire field



Month (Schedule 2 Area A Column A)
- 2 numeric

Contribution Amount for the previous month (Schedule 2 Area A Column B)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Contribution Amount for the current month (Schedule 2 Area A Column C)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Contribution amount - year to date (Schedule 2 Area A Column D) - Sum of PreviousMonthContributionBalanceAmount and YearToDatecontributionAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Contributions returned to the beneficiary during the current month (Schedule 2 Area A Column E)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Year to date contribution amount minus current month contribution returned amount (Schedule 2 Area A Column F)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Aggregate of gifts made to the trust after May 25, 1976 and before the end of the month (Schedule 2 Area B Column G)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total beneficiary contribution taxable amount (Schedule 2 Area C line 3) - Sum of allCurrentMonthContributionBalanceAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Total beneficiary gift taxable amount (Schedule 2 Area C line 4)
- Sum of allCurrentMonthGiftAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total trust excess taxable amount (Schedule 2 Area C line 5, field 215) - TotalBeneficiaryContributionTaxableAmount plus TotalBeneficiaryGiftTaxableAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- If negative amounts are being reported, include the ""indicator before the dollar amount

Total tax payable on excess amount (Schedule 2 Area C line 7, field 115) - TotalTrustExcessTaxableAmount multiplied by 1%
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only




Month (Schedule 4 Column A)
- 2 numeric

Fair market value at the time of acquisition of all property that is not a qualified investment at end of month
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Fair market value at the time of acquisition of column (b) property that is taxable under paragraph 198(1)c
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Acquisistion fair market value amount minus acquisition fair market value taxable amount (Schedule 4 Column D)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total non-qualified property taxable amounts (Field 245) - Sum of all TaxableAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Part XI.1 tax on non-qualified property (Schedule 4 line 3, field 150) - TotalNonQualifiedPropertyTaxableAmount multiplied by 1%
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


<Schedule5 >




Description of Investment (Schedule 5 Area A Column A)
-60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of description

(Schedule 5 Area A Column B)
Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Acquisition date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Acquisition date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Acquisition date – Day
Required- 2 numeric


Tax imposed on acquisition (Schedule 5 Area A Column C)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

(Schedule 5 Area A Column D)
Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Disposition date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Disposition date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Disposition date – Day
Required- 2 numeric


Proceeds of disposition (Schedule 5 Area A Column E)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents

Tax Refund Amount (Schedule 5 Area A Column F)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total Refund of tax on the disposition of non-qualified investments (Schedule 5 Area A line 1, field 060) - Sum of all NonQualifiedTrustInvestmentDisposition TaxRefundAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only




Description of Property (Schedule 5, Area B, Column A)
-60 alphanumeric
- First 60 letters of description

(Schedule 5, Area B, Column B)
Optional - if present must include all required child tags

Security loan first date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Security loan first date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Security loan first date – Day
Required- 2 numeric


Tax imposed on use (Schedule 5, Area B, Column C)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Optional - if present must include all required child tags
(Schedule 5, Area B, Column D)

Security loan expiry date –Year
Required- 4 numeric

Security loan expiry date –Month
Required- 2 numeric

Security loan expiry date – Day
Required - 2 numeric


Net loss sustained through use (Schedule 5, Area B, Column E)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Tax Refund Amount - tax imposed on use minus net loss sustained through use (Schedule 5, Area B, Column F) - UsageTaxAmount minus UsageNetLossAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only


Total Refund of tax on recovery of property given as security for a loan (Schedule 5 Area B line 2, field 070) - Sum of all SecurityLoanTrustPropertyRecovery TaxRefundAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only



Total taxes under subsection 199(1) paid in previous years on initial non-qualified investments (Schedule 5 Area C line 3)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Initial base of non-qualified investments (Schedule 5 Area C line 4)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Proceeds of disposition in all years (Schedule 5 Area C line 5)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Initial base of non-qualified investments minus proceeds of disposition in all years (Schedule 5 Area C line 6)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Previous refunds of tax on initial non-qualified investments (Schedule 5 Area C line 7)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Non refundable tax amount – net base amount plus previous refunds of tax on initial non-qualified investments (Schedule 5 Area C line 8) - PreviousTaxAmount minus NonRefundableTaxAmount
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only

Total Refund of tax on the disposition of initial non-qualified investments
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- Positive amounts only




Total acquired corporation share tax payable amount (Field 140)
- line 5 of summary of tax or refund (Schedule 3 field 241)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- If negative amounts are being reported, include the ""indicator before the dollar amount

Total tax payable amount (Field 190)
- line 7 of summary of tax or refund
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents

Payments on Account (Field 010)
- line 8 of summary of tax or refund
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents

Unpaid balance of tax
- Line 9 of summary of tax or refund (line7 minus line 8)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- If negative amounts are being reported, include the ""indicator before the dollar amount

Total deferred profit sharing plan tax refund amount - Total of all TotalTaxRefundAmount tags (line 10 plus line 11 plus line 12)
- Line 13 of summary of tax or refund
- Positive amounts only

Balance owing (Field 090)
- line 14 of summary of tax or refund (line 9 minus line 13)
- 15 numeric characters, dollars and cents
- If negative amounts are being reported, include the ""indicator before the dollar amount




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