Locality code statistics 2007 (2005 tax year)
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Locality code statistics tables - 2007 Edition (2005 tax year), rev. 2008
Download "by province or territory" tables
The locality code statistics tables are available by province or territory (see below) and also for all of Canada. These tables are available in two formats:
- Tables with headings contain the column and row breakdowns and are meant to be loaded by a word processor -- such as MS Word or WordPerfect -- or by an ASCII editor. There are no page breaks in the "all-Canada" files. The Courier/Courier New font should be selected in your text editor or word processor when you open the text file.
- Tables without headings are in comma-separated value (.csv) format to facilitate use in spreadsheet software, such as Excel or Lotus. You need the readme file (plain text format) or (html format) for the column and row breakdowns for each table.
In order to identify the city names that correspond to all valid 2005 locality codes you will need the Locality Code Directory plain text format (by locality code order, by alphabetical order) or html format (by locality code order, by alphabetical order).
You may also find Tax Services Office Codes (plain text or html format) as well as Province Codes (plain text or html format) useful.
Download tables by province or territory
All returns filed
By sex
By major source of income
All returns
Taxable returns
By taxes paid
- Date modified:
- 2009-05-15