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Locality code statistics by source of income (all returns) - total 2004 tax year Northwest Territories

Locality code statistics by source of income (all returns)
Income code Record type Locality code Total number of returns Counts, employment income Amounts, employment income Counts, pension income Amounts, pension income Counts, investment income Amounts, investment income Counts, self employ. income Amounts, self employ. income Counts, other income Amounts, other income Counts, tax-exempt income Amounts, tax-exempt income Amounts, total income
1 1 6106001000 1630 1330 53321 260 4567 350 1163 150 983 520 3483 190 908 64426
1 1 6106003000 60 50 1516 10 128 10 18 10 76 20 127 0 0 1931
1 1 6106006000 70 60 997 10 106 0 0 0 0 30 143 10 100 1323
1 1 6106009000 370 310 8717 50 443 20 50 10 141 100 561 60 327 10239
1 1 6106014000 550 440 10670 100 831 30 94 20 203 160 960 160 734 13494
1 1 6106016000 2800 2320 102921 410 6295 500 1771 350 1329 900 5009 330 1641 118966
1 1 6106018000 330 240 6308 60 599 20 12 0 0 110 614 110 483 8001
1 1 6106020000 180 160 3990 30 266 0 0 0 0 50 267 60 218 4783
1 1 6106023995 12840 11450 591845 1000 15211 3660 13048 1530 24478 4360 24828 800 6041 675474
1 1 6106031000 1140 920 27899 160 1039 80 141 20 157 310 1798 310 1509 32543
1 1 6106034000 300 270 6531 40 332 10 26 0 0 80 408 80 343 7668
1 1 6106038000 960 800 29123 130 1555 140 372 70 669 240 1424 110 640 33783
1 1 6106044000 90 80 1557 30 213 0 0 0 0 20 147 20 133 2068
1 1 6106049000 170 150 3353 30 134 0 0 0 0 80 401 50 219 4109
1 1 6106052000 90 80 1961 20 59 0 0 0 0 30 153 20 94 2267
1 2 6106000000 21570 18650 850710 2330 31779 4850 16702 2180 28081 7010 40326 2320 13455 981075
1 1 6107003000 350 310 7115 50 395 20 5 0 0 70 355 100 382 8287
1 1 6107005000 260 240 6455 50 412 20 34 10 -4 60 276 50 251 7422
1 1 6107007000 460 420 26534 20 285 150 444 50 669 160 659 20 94 28684
1 1 6107009000 370 310 7994 70 617 10 32 0 0 80 496 90 404 9755
1 1 6107010000 120 100 2423 30 235 20 14 0 0 40 198 30 149 3025
1 1 6107012000 70 60 1462 10 71 0 0 0 0 20 122 10 86 1794
1 1 6107014000 170 130 2790 20 150 0 0 0 0 30 164 50 227 3551
1 1 6107015000 510 390 10792 110 1151 50 29 20 496 230 1131 110 491 14089
1 1 6107017000 2310 2020 90295 240 2978 340 907 210 2581 750 4653 260 1301 102714
1 1 6107025000 360 260 6627 90 773 30 52 10 74 120 735 130 582 8843
1 1 6107036000 510 390 10915 70 787 20 34 10 233 150 1143 100 320 13431
1 1 6107041000 50 40 1317 10 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 41 1483
1 1 6107095000 220 190 4370 30 184 0 0 0 0 20 70 80 303 4943
1 2 6107000000 5750 4870 179089 810 8133 680 1595 360 4545 1720 10031 1020 4629 208022
1 3 6100000000 27320 23520 1029798 3140 39912 5530 18297 2540 32627 8730 50357 3350 18085 1189097
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