Locality code statistics by source of income all returns 2009 tax year Nunavut


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Locality code statistics by source of income all returns - 2009 tax year Nunavut

Locality code statistics by source of income all returns
Income code Record type Locality code Total number of returns Employment income # Employment income $ Pension income # Pension income $ Investment income # Investment income $ Self employ. income # Self employ. income $ Other income # Other income $ Tax-exempt income # Tax-exempt income $ Total income $
1 1 6204001000 450 350 8212 50 368 10 62 0 0 170 693 240 1287 10721
1 1 6204003000 4790 4300 250816 430 6490 700 4691 400 9927 1840 11693 780 4612 288376
1 1 6204005000 220 210 5916 30 334 0 0 0 0 110 491 100 600 7375
1 1 6204007000 670 560 16922 80 970 30 72 30 99 260 940 280 1859 20914
1 1 6204009000 780 690 21833 90 1159 30 89 20 240 340 2303 260 1199 26823
1 1 6204011000 390 320 9545 40 432 0 0 20 54 170 662 170 887 11598
1 1 6204012000 810 700 18940 90 957 30 112 0 0 350 1886 300 1511 23493
1 1 6204015000 520 460 12275 50 553 10 6 0 0 230 1004 180 1024 14915
1 1 6204018000 420 380 10993 50 431 0 0 20 179 220 880 180 1026 13517
1 1 6204020000 750 670 20384 80 835 30 119 30 364 360 1723 280 1289 24714
1 1 6204022000 110 110 5222 10 232 10 3 0 0 30 218 20 67 5753
1 1 6204025000 50 50 2153 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 53 10 52 2291
1 2 6204000000 9950 8790 383211 1000 12782 870 5194 550 11146 4080 22546 2800 15412 450491
1 1 6205014000 430 360 10349 50 630 0 0 10 128 150 645 180 869 12626
1 1 6205015000 1140 860 30418 120 1120 30 109 20 436 450 2239 400 2073 36394
1 1 6205016000 210 200 5937 20 181 0 0 0 0 80 293 70 276 6691
1 1 6205017000 1550 1420 65985 150 1953 140 1243 90 995 580 2905 330 1498 74579
1 1 6205019000 220 210 7211 30 438 0 0 0 0 60 341 50 248 8277
1 1 6205023000 1140 1000 33722 140 1211 70 140 20 291 410 2035 280 1390 38789
1 1 6205027000 430 360 8378 40 458 10 17 20 83 200 1120 170 983 11040
1 2 6205000000 5130 4400 162000 540 5991 280 1524 160 1967 1940 9577 1480 7337 188396
1 1 6208047000 380 330 8884 30 374 10 33 10 58 150 628 150 919 10896
1 1 6208059000 760 640 22550 100 1042 40 425 20 145 280 1315 260 1254 26732
1 1 6208068000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 6208073000 1000 920 41569 120 1381 100 234 90 593 390 2209 180 826 46812
1 1 6208081000 660 550 15798 70 760 20 88 20 1 270 1451 310 1908 20006
1 1 6208087000 450 380 10603 60 620 0 0 0 0 170 521 240 1706 13791
1 2 6208000000 3250 2820 99404 380 4183 170 1098 140 821 1260 6124 1140 6623 118252
1 3 6200000000 18330 16010 644616 1920 22955 1330 7815 860 13934 7290 38246 5420 29372 757139
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