Locality code statistics by source of income taxable returns 2009 tax year Yukon


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Locality code statistics by source of income taxable returns - 2009 tax year Yukon

Locality code statistics by source of income taxable returns
Income code Record type Locality code Total number of returns Employment income # Employment income $ Pension income # Pension income $ Investment income # Investment income $ Self employ. income # Self employ. income $ Other income # Other income $ Tax-exempt income # Tax-exempt income $ Total income $
0 1 6001003000 610 550 23400 120 2082 150 827 80 969 270 1860 50 319 29459
0 1 6001004000 190 170 8254 40 818 50 75 30 167 100 733 10 23 10071
0 1 6001006000 220 210 9280 40 607 50 172 40 319 120 941 20 85 11404
0 1 6001009990 14060 12550 685159 2250 55036 4800 48265 2760 41762 5740 38877 610 3050 872173
0 1 6001012000 220 220 8815 30 322 20 104 20 303 100 702 20 100 10355
0 1 6001018000 440 400 18694 90 2077 140 629 80 614 250 1963 30 52 24028
0 1 6001022000 260 230 10371 50 927 60 277 50 773 140 1119 20 56 13524
0 1 6001029000 960 860 36167 130 2628 270 1770 210 3398 530 3928 40 161 48052
0 1 6001036000 120 90 2708 50 1400 50 494 30 395 50 537 0 0 5535
0 1 6001037000 130 120 5189 10 153 10 8 0 0 50 386 40 169 6082
0 1 6001039000 40 30 1365 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 149 0 0 1677
0 1 6001041000 140 140 5531 10 257 0 0 0 0 60 286 30 79 6352
0 1 6001042000 50 50 2459 0 0 10 5 0 0 20 131 0 0 2835
0 1 6001043000 110 110 5043 20 141 20 16 10 97 50 355 10 39 5692
0 1 6001045000 220 180 8632 50 1254 90 1168 50 967 100 673 10 20 12714
0 1 6001048000 180 160 6048 40 486 40 277 30 283 100 725 20 69 7888
0 1 6001049000 30 30 1044 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 69 0 0 1290
0 2 6001000000 17960 16080 838161 2940 68589 5770 54160 3420 50517 7710 53432 930 4238 1069129
0 3 6000000000 17960 16080 838161 2940 68589 5770 54160 3420 50517 7710 53432 930 4238 1069129
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