Locality code statistics by source of income taxable returns 2009 tax year Nunavut


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Locality code statistics by source of income taxable returns - 2009 tax year Nunavut

Locality code statistics by source of income taxable returns
Income code Record type Locality code Total number of returns Employment income # Employment income $ Pension income # Pension income $ Investment income # Investment income $ Self employ. income # Self employ. income $ Other income # Other income $ Tax-exempt income # Tax-exempt income $ Total income $
0 1 6204001000 150 140 7178 10 102 10 62 0 0 60 458 40 142 8041
0 1 6204003000 3450 3330 243803 260 5015 650 4417 370 9751 1430 10551 240 933 274528
0 1 6204005000 120 120 5381 10 189 0 0 0 0 70 370 40 164 6153
0 1 6204007000 280 280 15539 30 617 20 72 20 87 110 603 60 290 17208
0 1 6204009000 380 370 19916 30 605 30 88 20 234 190 1852 60 147 22842
0 1 6204011000 170 170 8729 10 224 0 0 10 49 90 486 40 125 9632
0 1 6204012000 340 330 16839 40 499 20 102 0 0 160 1252 70 172 18951
0 1 6204015000 240 240 10926 20 303 0 0 0 0 120 746 60 278 12297
0 1 6204018000 200 200 10027 20 239 0 0 10 170 110 636 60 258 11338
0 1 6204020000 340 330 18680 30 445 30 117 20 346 160 1062 60 181 20831
0 1 6204022000 80 80 5033 0 0 10 3 0 0 30 206 0 0 5460
0 1 6204025000 40 40 2049 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 51 0 0 2124
0 2 6204000000 5780 5610 364100 470 8438 800 4907 480 10920 2530 18273 750 2710 409405
0 1 6205014000 180 170 9429 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 411 30 98 10266
0 1 6205015000 480 470 28370 30 494 30 105 10 539 230 1574 50 175 31256
0 1 6205016000 90 90 5272 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 155 10 50 5557
0 1 6205017000 960 940 62985 70 1216 130 1235 80 946 400 2362 60 198 68941
0 1 6205019000 120 120 6642 20 330 0 0 0 0 40 254 10 49 7282
0 1 6205023000 570 570 30798 50 482 60 132 20 281 240 1506 60 157 33355
0 1 6205027000 150 140 7264 10 247 10 16 10 64 60 687 30 102 8380
0 2 6205000000 2540 2500 150760 200 3052 250 1500 130 1950 1070 6948 260 828 165038
0 1 6208047000 150 150 7856 10 248 0 0 0 0 60 341 40 133 8651
0 1 6208059000 350 340 20653 50 654 40 424 20 132 140 956 40 112 22932
0 1 6208068000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 6208073000 600 590 39398 60 851 90 216 70 517 270 1809 40 159 42950
0 1 6208081000 270 260 14183 20 364 20 50 20 -5 130 1075 80 339 16006
0 1 6208087000 170 170 9397 20 277 0 0 0 0 60 278 60 341 10625
0 2 6208000000 1530 1500 91487 150 2395 160 1040 110 699 650 4460 260 1085 101165
0 3 6200000000 9860 9610 606347 820 13884 1210 7447 720 13568 4250 29681 1270 4622 675608
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