Final Statistics 2007
We do not guarantee the accuracy of this copy of the CRA website.
Scraped Page Content
Tables in .html format
Tables 1 to 12
Basic Table 1: General statement by province and territory of taxation
Basic Table 2: All returns by total income class, all Canada
- t02nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t02pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t02ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t02nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t02qc-e.html for Quebec
- t02on-e.html for Ontario
- t02mb-e.html for Manitoba
- t02sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t02ab-e.html for Alberta
- t02bc-e.html for British Columbia
- t02yt-e.html for Yukon
- t02nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t02nu-e.html for Nunavut
- t02nr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 2A: Taxable returns by total income class, all Canada
- t02anl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t02ape-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t02ans-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t02anb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t02aqc-e.html for Quebec
- t02aon-e.html for Ontario
- t02amb-e.html for Manitoba
- t02ask-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t02aab-e.html for Alberta
- t02abc-e.html for British Columbia
- t02ayt-e.html for Yukon
- t02ant-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t02anu-e.html for Nunavut
- t02anr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 3: All returns by major source of income, all Canada
- t03nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t03pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t03ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t03nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t03qc-e.html for Quebec
- t03on-e.html for Ontario
- t03mb-e.html for Manitoba
- t03sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t03ab-e.html for Alberta
- t03bc-e.html for British Columbia
- t03yt-e.html for Yukon
- t03nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t03nu-e.html for Nunavut
- t03nr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 3A: Taxable returns by major source of income, all Canada
- t03anl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t03ape-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t03ans-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t03anb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t03aqc-e.html for Quebec
- t03aon-e.html for Ontario
- t03amb-e.html for Manitoba
- t03ask-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t03aab-e.html for Alberta
- t03abc-e.html for British Columbia
- t03ayt-e.html for Yukon
- t03ant-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t03anu-e.html for Nunavut
- t03anr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 4: All returns by age and sex, all Canada
- t04nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t04pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t04ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t04nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t04qc-e.html for Quebec
- t04on-e.html for Ontario
- t04mb-e.html for Manitoba
- t04sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t04ab-e.html for Alberta
- t04bc-e.html for British Columbia
- t04yt-e.html for Yukon
- t04nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t04nu-e.html for Nunavut
- t04nr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 4A: Taxable returns by age and sex, all Canada
- t04anl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t04ape-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t04ans-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t04anb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t04aqc-e.html for Quebec
- t04aon-e.html for Ontario
- t04amb-e.html for Manitoba
- t04ask-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t04aab-e.html for Alberta
- t04abc-e.html for British Columbia
- t04ayt-e.html for Yukon
- t04ant-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t04anu-e.html for Nunavut
- t04anr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 5: All returns by province and territory
Basic Table 5A: Taxable returns by province and territory
- t06nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t06pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t06ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t06nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t06qc-e.html for Quebec
- t06on-e.html for Ontario
- t06mb-e.html for Manitoba
- t06sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t06ab-e.html for Alberta
- t06bc-e.html for British Columbia
- t06yt-e.html for Yukon
- t06nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t06nu-e.html for Nunavut
- t06nr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 7: Distribution of net self-employment income by province and territory
Basic Table 8: All and taxable returns with allowed child care expenses, all Canada
*Please note that columns 5 and 6 of table 8 only include paper filed returns.
- t08nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t08pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t08ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t08nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t08qc-e.html for Quebec
- t08on-e.html for Ontario
- t08mb-e.html for Manitoba
- t08sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t08ab-e.html for Alberta
- t08bc-e.html for British Columbia
- t08yt-e.html for Yukon
- t08nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t08nu-e.html for Nunavut
- t08nr-e.html for Non resident
- t09nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t09pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t09ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t09nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t09qc-e.html for Quebec
- t09on-e.html for Ontario
- t09mb-e.html for Manitoba
- t09sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t09ab-e.html for Alberta
- t09bc-e.html for British Columbia
- t09yt-e.html for Yukon
- t09nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t09nu-e.html for Nunavut
- t09nr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 10: Selected items by total income, all Canada
- t10nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t10pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t10ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t10nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t10qc-e.html for Quebec
- t10on-e.html for Ontario
- t10mb-e.html for Manitoba
- t10sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t10ab-e.html for Alberta
- t10bc-e.html for British Columbia
- t10yt-e.html for Yukon
- t10nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t10nu-e.html for Nunavut
- t10nr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 11A: All returns with pension adjustment amount by total income class, all Canada
- t11anl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t11ape-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t11ans-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t11anb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t11aqc-e.html for Quebec
- t11aon-e.html for Ontario
- t11amb-e.html for Manitoba
- t11ask-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t11aab-e.html for Alberta
- t11abc-e.html for British Columbia
- t11ayt-e.html for Yukon
- t11ant-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t11anu-e.html for Nunavut
- t11anr-e.html for Non resident
Basic Table 11B: All returns with RRSP contributions by total income class, all Canada
- t11bnl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t11bpe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t11bns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t11bnb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t11bqc-e.html for Quebec
- t11bon-e.html for Ontario
- t11bmb-e.html for Manitoba
- t11bsk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t11bab-e.html for Alberta
- t11bbc-e.html for British Columbia
- t11byt-e.html for Yukon
- t11bnt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t11bnu-e.html for Nunavut
- t11bnr-e.html for Non resident
- t11cnl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t11cpe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t11cns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t11cnb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t11cqc-e.html for Quebec
- t11con-e.html for Ontario
- t11cmb-e.html for Manitoba
- t11csk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t11cab-e.html for Alberta
- t11cbc-e.html for British Columbia
- t11cyt-e.html for Yukon
- t11cnt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t11cnu-e.html for Nunavut
- t11cnr-e.html for Non resident
- t11dnl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t11dpe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t11dns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t11dnb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t11dqc-e.html for Quebec
- t11don-e.html for Ontario
- t11dmb-e.html for Manitoba
- t11dsk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t11dab-e.html for Alberta
- t11dbc-e.html for British Columbia
- t11dyt-e.html for Yukon
- t11dnt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t11dnu-e.html for Nunavut
- t11dnr-e.html for Non resident
- t12nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- t12pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- t12ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- t12nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- t12qc-e.html for Quebec
- t12on-e.html for Ontario
- t12mb-e.html for Manitoba
- t12sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- t12ab-e.html for Alberta
- t12bc-e.html for British Columbia
- t12yt-e.html for Yukon
- t12nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- t12nu-e.html for Nunavut
- t12nr-e.html for Non resident
Summary Tables
Summary of Basic Tables 2: All Returns by total income class, all Canada
- st2nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- st2pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- st2ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- st2nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- st2qc-e.html for Quebec
- st2on-e.html for Ontario
- st2mb-e.html for Manitoba
- st2sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- st2ab-e.html for Alberta
- st2bc-e.html for British Columbia
- st2yt-e.html for Yukon
- st2nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- st2nu-e.html for Nunavut
- st2nr-e.html for Non resident
Summary of Basic Table 4: All returns by age and sex, all Canada
- st4nl-e.html for Newfoundland and Labrador
- st4pe-e.html for Prince Edward Island
- st4ns-e.html for Nova Scotia
- st4nb-e.html for New Brunswick
- st4qc-e.html for Quebec
- st4on-e.html for Ontario
- st4mb-e.html for Manitoba
- st4sk-e.html for Saskatchewan
- st4ab-e.html for Alberta
- st4bc-e.html for British Columbia
- st4yt-e.html for Yukon
- st4nt-e.html for Northwest Territories
- st4nu-e.html for Nunavut
- st4nr-e.html for Non resident
Historical Tables
- Historical Table 1 - Yearly Record of Returns Filed – 1961 to 2005
- Historical Table 2 - Yearly Distribution of Taxable Returns by Total Income Class – 1959 to 2005
- Historical Table 3 - Yearly Distribution of Taxable Returns by Age and Sex – 1965 to 2005
- Historical Table 4 - Yearly Distribution of Taxable Returns by Province and Territory – 1959 to 2005
- Date modified:
- 2015-05-06