Final Statistics 2007


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Tables 1 to 12

Basic Table 1: General statement by province and territory of taxation

Basic Table 2: All returns by total income class, all Canada

Basic Table 2A: Taxable returns by total income class, all Canada

Basic Table 3: All returns by major source of income, all Canada

Basic Table 3A: Taxable returns by major source of income, all Canada

Basic Table 4: All returns by age and sex, all Canada

Basic Table 4A: Taxable returns by age and sex, all Canada

Basic Table 5: All returns by province and territory

Basic Table 5A: Taxable returns by province and territory

Basic Table 6: All and taxable returns by age, sex, total income class, and major source of income, all Canada

Basic Table 7: Distribution of net self-employment income by province and territory

Basic Table 8: All and taxable returns with allowed child care expenses, all Canada
*Please note that columns 5 and 6 of table 8 only include paper filed returns.

Basic Table 9: All returns with taxable capital gains by total income class and by major source of income, all Canada

Basic Table 10: Selected items by total income, all Canada

Basic Table 11A: All returns with pension adjustment amount by total income class, all Canada

Basic Table 11B: All returns with RRSP contributions by total income class, all Canada

Basic Table 11C: All returns with RRSP contributions and pension adjustment amount by total income class, all Canada

Basic Table 11D: All returns with RRSP contributions and pension adjustment amount by total income class, all Canada

Basic Table 12: All Returns with RRSP contributions and/or pension adjustment amount by age, total income class, and sex, all Canada

Summary Tables

Summary of Basic Tables 2: All Returns by total income class, all Canada

Summary of Basic Table 4: All returns by age and sex, all Canada

Historical Tables

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