T1 Final Statistics 2011 Edition (2009 tax year)


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Final Table 1: General statement by province and territory of taxation

Taxable returns, all money figures in millions of dollars

Please refer to the explanatory notes for information about this table

Province or Territory Number of returns Total Inc. assessed Total deductions Taxable Inc. assessed Total non-refundable Tax cred.s Net fed. tax Net provincial tax Total tax payable CPP contrib. by individuals Unemployment insurance premiums
Newfoundland and Labrador 274370 12673.96 1167.03 11489 733.45 1226.19 869.16 2135.11 275.18 102.4
Prince Edward Island 79730 3298.93 293.69 3002.22 214.28 273.43 236.84 521.36 73.3 27.9
Nova Scotia 509870 23758.88 2206.25 21524.33 1392.93 2177.75 1821.24 4071.2 501.19 183.48
New Brunswick 395860 17860.1 1578.28 16264.19 1060.43 1647.63 1262.31 2957.95 414.34 150.39
Quebec 3778800 193367.45 18055.89 175124.62 9924.13 19748.33 14.44 19952.07 4448.27 1244.33
Ontario 6622670 382333.88 36290.37 345590.56 19042.62 42415.73 25360.65 69174.21 7435.81 2573.15
Manitoba 622260 30212.86 2817.16 27372.05 1740.03 2922.42 2337.33 5367.24 677.51 241.91
Saskatchewan 508890 27992.7 2631.13 25331.67 1394.03 2959.17 1783.72 4868.71 581.37 203.44
Alberta 1912200 132678.43 10905.56 121647.49 5303.87 17053.34 7293.6 24714.3 2533.37 851.95
British Columbia 2228230 123016.85 11456.15 111424.18 6147.55 12977.15 5618.2 19114.68 2445.3 835
Northwest Territories 20760 1515.35 207.04 1307.22 53.84 187.03 79.96 269.77 33.9 11.7
Yukon 18200 1080.9 170.2 909.71 46.98 109.62 51.12 169.51 25.24 8.75
Nunavut 10320 729.02 99.88 628.64 27.53 88.94 28.67 118.65 16.94 5.96
Outside Canada 40880 2091.52 206.28 1885.14 56.83 391.53 103.76 496.87 17.65 6.41
Canada 17023050 952610.8 88084.92 863501.03 47138.5 104178.27 46861.01 153931.65 19479.37 6446.76

Non-taxable returns, all money figures in millions of dollars

Province or Territory Number of returns Total Inc. assessed Total deductions Taxable Inc. assessed Total non-refundable Tax cred.s Net fed. tax Net provincial tax Total tax payable CPP contrib. by individuals Unemployment insurance premiums
Newfoundland and Labrador 141340 1435.89 477.9 963.97 322.9 0 0 0 12.06 5.84
Prince Edward Island 30250 297.59 76.86 226.82 71.28 0 0 0 3.01 1.62
Nova Scotia 218910 2068.12 531.06 1564.48 499.93 0 0 0 22.52 11.11
New Brunswick 201630 2133.78 530.5 1618.66 477.4 0 0 0 21.77 10.72
Quebec 2398120 27822.13 7132.82 20903.63 5728.5 0 0 0 250.78 105.06
Ontario 3154540 27964.54 9183.32 19352.18 6929.57 0 0 0 294.75 144.33
Manitoba 281260 2491.17 634.94 1895.99 688.69 0 0 0 30.39 16.29
Saskatchewan 267280 2925.45 673.5 2298.36 645.07 0 0 0 35.16 19.25
Alberta 786590 8776.37 2136.81 6817.34 1845.46 0 0 0 114.48 53.2
British Columbia 1185900 11964.59 2863.33 9389.37 2744.03 0 0 0 133.04 60.27
Northwest Territories 9820 97.61 32.65 65.74 21.73 0 0 0 1.77 0.78
Yukon 6890 87.59 31.13 58.4 15.71 0 0 0 1.34 0.57
Nunavut 8450 81.16 30.09 51.32 20.13 0 0 0 1.36 0.61
Outside Canada 54920 376.99 155.55 298.2 98.87 0 0 0 10.6 4.07
Canada 8745880 88522.99 24490.45 65504.46 20109.26 0 0 0 933.03 433.72

All returns, all money figures in millions of dollars

Province or Territory Number of returns Total Inc. assessed Total deductions Taxable Inc. assessed Total non-refundable Tax cred.s Net fed. tax Net provincial tax Total tax payable CPP contrib. by individuals Unemployment insurance premiums
Newfoundland and Labrador 415710 14109.85 1644.93 12452.97 1056.34 1226.19 869.16 2135.11 287.24 108.24
Prince Edward Island 109970 3596.53 370.54 3229.04 285.55 273.43 236.84 521.36 76.31 29.52
Nova Scotia 728780 25827 2737.31 23088.81 1892.86 2177.75 1821.24 4071.2 523.71 194.6
New Brunswick 597490 19993.87 2108.78 17882.86 1537.83 1647.63 1262.31 2957.95 436.11 161.12
Quebec 6176920 221189.58 25188.71 196028.25 15652.63 19748.33 14.44 19952.07 4699.05 1349.38
Ontario 9777200 410298.43 45473.68 364942.74 25972.19 42415.73 25360.65 69174.21 7730.56 2717.48
Manitoba 903520 32704.03 3452.1 29268.04 2428.73 2922.42 2337.33 5367.24 707.9 258.2
Saskatchewan 776170 30918.15 3304.63 27630.03 2039.1 2959.17 1783.72 4868.71 616.53 222.69
Alberta 2698790 141454.79 13042.37 128464.83 7149.33 17053.34 7293.6 24714.3 2647.85 905.15
British Columbia 3414130 134981.43 14319.48 120813.55 8891.57 12977.15 5618.2 19114.68 2578.34 895.27
Northwest Territories 30580 1612.96 239.69 1372.96 75.57 187.03 79.96 269.77 35.67 12.48
Yukon 25090 1168.48 201.34 968.11 62.69 109.62 51.12 169.51 26.57 9.32
Nunavut 18770 810.17 129.97 679.96 47.66 88.94 28.67 118.65 18.3 6.57
Outside Canada 95800 2468.51 361.83 2183.34 155.7 391.53 103.76 496.87 28.25 10.48
Canada 25768930 1041133.79 112575.37 929005.49 67247.77 104178.27 46861.01 153931.65 20412.4 6880.48
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