Annual Report to Parliament 2014-2015


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Annual Report to Parliament 2014-2015

Appendix C: Other items of interest

Public Service Commission and Assessment of recourse reports

The Canada Revenue Agency Act requires the CRA to include in its annual reporting a copy of any report produced under section 59 or a summary statement of any assessment produced under subsection 56(1). The report and assessment are produced on an as needed basis.

During 2014-2015, the Public Service Commission did not prepare, or have prepared on its behalf, a report to the CRA pursuant to section 59 of the Canada Revenue Agency Act on the consistency of the Agency's staffing program with the principles set out in the summary of its corporate business plan. For the same period, the CRA did not prepare pursuant to subsection 56(1) of the Canada Revenue Agency Act an assessment of the recourse the Agency provides or administers in its management of human resources.

Board Commitments and Performance Dashboard

The CRA Board of Management introduced a new internal oversight instrument in 2014-2015, the Board Commitments and Performance Dashboard. The Dashboard provides the Board with a quarterly update on the status of the CRA’s commitments from the Corporate Business Plan.

Benefit programs and benefit-related services delivered by the Canada Revenue Agency

Six federal benefit programs
Canada child tax benefit
Disability tax credit
Goods and services tax / harmonized sales tax credit
Children's special allowances
Universal child care benefit – on behalf of Employment and Social Development Canada
Working income tax benefit advance payments
Twenty-eight ongoing benefit programs for provinces and territories
Program 1st year Program 1st year
British Columbia – BC family bonus 1996 Newfoundland and Labrador seniors' benefit 1999
Alberta family employment tax credit 1997 Saskatchewan low-income tax credit 2000
New Brunswick child tax benefit 1997 Newfoundland and Labrador – mother baby nutrition supplement 2001
New Brunswick working income supplement 1997 Ontario child benefit 2007
Newfoundland and Labrador harmonized sales tax credit 1997 British Columbia low-income climate action tax credit 2008
British Columbia – BC earned income benefit 1998 Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant 2009
Saskatchewan child benefit 1998 Ontario sales tax credit 2010
Northwest Territories child benefit 1998 British Columbia harmonized sales tax credit 2010
Northwest Territories – territorial worker's supplement 1998 Nova Scotia affordable living tax credit 2010
Nova Scotia child benefit 1998 Ontario energy and property tax credit 2011
Yukon child benefit 1999 Northern Ontario energy credit 2011
Nunavut child benefit 1999 Ontario trillium benefit 2012
Nunavut – territorial worker's supplement 1999 New Brunswick school supplement 2012
Newfoundland and Labrador child benefit 1999 Prince Edward Island sales tax and credit 2013
Ten one-time payment programs
Program 1st year Program 1st year
Relief for heating expenses (federal) 2000 Energy cost benefit (federal) 2005
British Columbia – BC energy rebate 2001 Alberta 2005 resource rebate 2005
Alberta energy tax refund 2001 Ontario home electricity relief 2006
Ontario taxpayer dividend 2001 British Columbia climate action dividend 2008
Nova Scotia taxpayer refund 2003 Ontario sales tax transition benefit 2010
Ninety-one data exchange and data transfer services
Fifty-six income verification data exchanges with provinces to support programs Ten national child benefit supplement data exchanges with provinces and territories to facilitate the calculation of social assistance
Five data transfers with provinces to support top-ups for CRA-administered child benefit programs Two data transfers of income and child information to support administration of the Ontario child care supplement and Quebec family allowance programs
Nine data exchanges and transfers to support the Nova Scotia pharmacare program, the British Columbia low-income climate action tax credit, Ontario senior homeowners property tax grant, Ontario sales tax credit, Ontario energy and property tax credit/Northern Ontario tax credit, Ontario trillium benefit, BC harmonized sales tax credit, Prince Edward Island sales tax credit, and to assist the ministère du Revenu du Québec in administering the Quebec Taxation Act Nine data exchanges and data transfers to support federal administration of the employment insurance family supplement, guaranteed income supplement, Canada learning bond, additional canada education savings grant, registered disability savings plan and Canadian disability savings grant, Old Age Security, and universal child care benefit
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