ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of Manitoba


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ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of Manitoba

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All the information you need to calculate your Manitoba tax and credits is included in the Completing your Manitoba forms. Complete Form MB428, Manitoba Tax, and Form MB479, Manitoba Credits, and attach a copy to your return.

What's new for 2008?

The rate used to calculate provincial income tax has changed for taxable income greater than $30,544 and less than $66,000.

The basic personal amount, spousal or common-law partner amount, and amount for an eligible dependant have increased to $8,034.

A new non-refundable tax credit, the Manitoba family tax benefit, has been introduced for Manitoba families. It replaces the previous Manitoba family tax reduction.

The rates for calculating the dividend tax credit have changed.

A new non-refundable credit, the community enterprise investment tax credit, has been introduced for individuals who invest in eligible community enterprise investment projects.

The education property tax credit has increased to $600.

A new refundable tax credit, the Manitoba book publishing tax credit, has been introduced for eligible publishers.

Form MB428, Manitoba Tax, and Form MB479, Manitoba Credits, reflect these changes.

Manitoba tax credit programs

Even if you do not have to pay tax, you may be entitled to the personal tax credit, education property tax credit, and school tax credit for homeowners. You have to file claims for Manitoba tax credits within three years of the end of the tax year to which they relate.

Employers may be eligible to claim the co-op education and apprenticeship tax credit. Farmers may be eligible to claim the odour control tax credit. Individuals who have purchased or manufactured green energy equipment may be entitled to a tax credit. Publishers may be entitled to claim a book publishing tax credit. To claim these credits, attach a completed Form MB479, Manitoba Credits, to your return.

Manitoba school tax assistance

You may qualify for some school tax assistance if you were 55 or older at the end of the year and your family income was less than $23,800.

If you were a homeowner, see details in the publication called Completing your Manitoba forms. If you qualify, calculate your claim on Form MB479, Manitoba Credits.

If you were a tenant, you have to apply to Family Services and Housing, at the Provincial Services Office. In Winnipeg, you call 945-2197 or, from outside Winnipeg, call toll free at 1-877-587-6224 , or, contact them by The teletypewriter line is 204-948-3698 . You do not qualify for school tax assistance if you are a tenant living in government-subsidized or non-profit housing.

For more information

If you have general questions about your income tax return, visit the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Web site or call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 .

To get forms, visit our Forms and publications section or call 1-800-959-2221 .

If you have specific questions about Manitoba tax and credits, contact the Manitoba Tax Assistance Office. In Winnipeg, call 948-2115 . Outside Winnipeg, call 1-800-782-0771 . Information is also available on the Government of Manitoba Web site.

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