ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of Nova Scotia


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ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of Nova Scotia


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All the information you need to calculate your Nova Scotia tax and credits is included in the Completing your Nova Scotia form. Attach a completed copy of Form NS428, Nova Scotia Tax and Credits, to your return.

What's new for 2008?

The basic personal amount has increased. In addition, many other non-refundable tax credits have increased. This reduces the amount of Nova Scotia tax that you pay.

The list of eligible medical expenses for the calculation of the federal and Nova Scotia non-refundable tax credits for medical expenses now includes payments for medical services to a qualified naturopath in Nova Scotia.

The maximum claim for the Nova Scotia post-secondary graduate tax credit has increased to $2,000.

Volunteers for ground search and rescue, residing in Nova Scotia, can now claim the same refundable tax credit as volunteer firefighters. Consequently, the tax credit is now called the Nova Scotia volunteer firefighters and ground search and rescue tax credit. The amount of this tax credit has increased to $375.

Form NS428, Nova Scotia Tax and Credits, reflects these changes.

Nova Scotia Child Benefit

The Nova Scotia Child Benefit (NSCB) is a non-taxable monthly payment to help low- and modest-income families with the cost of raising children under age 18. Benefits are combined with the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) into one monthly payment.

You do not have to apply separately to receive payments under this program. We will use the information from your Canada Child Benefits application to determine your eligibility for the Nova Scotia Child Benefit.

For details on payment amounts, see Pamphlet T4114, Canada Child Benefits.

File your tax return - You (and your spouse or common-law partner) should file your 2008 tax return(s) as soon as possible. The information you give on your return(s) will determine your Nova Scotia Child Benefit amount starting in July 2009.

This program is fully funded by the Province of Nova Scotia and administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). For more information, call the CRA at 1-800-387-1193 .

For more information

If you have questions about Nova Scotia tax and credits, visit the CRA Web site or call the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 .

To get forms, visit our Forms and publications page or call 1-800-959-2221 .

If you have specific questions about the Equity tax credit, Labour-sponsored venture capital tax credit, Post-secondary graduate tax credit, and the Volunteer firefighters and ground search and rescue tax credit, contact:

Department of Finance
Government of Nova Scotia
P.O. Box 187
Halifax NS B3J 2N3

You can also visit the Nova Scotia Department of Finance Web site.

If you have specific questions about the eligibility of a sport or recreational activity for the Nova Scotia sport and recreational expenses for children tax credit, call the Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection at 1-866-231-3882 .

If you have questions about the Nova Scotia political contribution tax credit, contact:

Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
Government of Nova Scotia
P.O. Box 2246
Halifax NS B3J 3C8

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