AGR-1 Statement of Farm-Support Payments


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AGR-1 Statement of Farm-Support Payments

2016 - version 1 - created 2015-10-10





Recipient postal code

Sequence number
- Required 9 numeric
- The sequence number as it appears on the AGR-1 slip
- Must correspond to the "sequence number" on the related AGR-1 slip record
Note: the following fields replace footnotes and other information that should be reported in the program and amount area on the AGR-1 slip under special reporting circumstances. See the AGR-1, Statement of Farm-Support Payments slip or Appendix A for more details.


Program 1 code
- Required 3 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Numeric code that identifies the program

Program 1 name
- Required 60 alphanumeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Name of the program that issued benefits

Program 1 related box number
- Required 2 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Box numbers (14 to18) on the AGR-1 slip to which this benefit relates

Program 1 amount
Required 11 numeric, enter dollar and cents
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Amount paid to recipient for this program



Program 2 code
- Required 3 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Numeric code that identifies the program

Program 2 name
Required 60 alphanumeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Name of the program that issued benefits

Program 2 related box number
- Required 2 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Box numbers (14 to 18) on the AGR-1 slip to which this benefit relates

Program 2 amount
- Required 11 numeric, enter dollar and cents
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Amount paid to recipient for this program


Program 3 code
- Required 3 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Numeric code that identifies the program
Program 3 name - required 60 alphanumeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Name of the program that issued benefits

Program 3 related box number
- Required 2 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Box numbers (14 to 18) on the AGR-1 slip to which this benefit relates

Program 3 amount
- Required 11 numeric, enter dollar and cents
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Amount paid to recipient for this program



Program 4 code
- Required 3 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area" - the numeric code that identifies the program

Program 4 name
- Required 60 alphanumeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Name of the program that issued benefits

Program 4 related box number
- Required 2 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Box numbers (14 to 18) on the AGR-1 slip to which this benefit relates

Program 4 amount
- Required 11 numeric, enter dollar and cents
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Amount paid to recipient for this program



Program 5 code
- Required 3 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Numeric code that identifies the program

Program 5 name
- Required 60 alphanumeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Name of the program that issued benefits

Program 5 related box number
- Required 2 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Box numbers (14 to 18) on the AGR-1 slip to which this benefit relates

Program 5 amount
- Required 11 numeric, enter dollars and cents
- AGR-1 slip, "Program and amount area"
- Amount paid to recipient for this program





Individual recipient surname
- Required 20 alphanumeric
- First 20 letters of the individual recipient’s surname
- Omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.
- Do not include the first name or initials

Individual recipient first name
- 12 alphanumeric
- First 12 letters of the individual recipient's first given name
Note: if only initials are available, provide the individual recipient's first initial.

Individual recipient initial
- Alpha
- Initial of the individual recipient's second given name



Corporation, association or trust recipient name - line 1
- 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the recipient corporation, association or trust name
- if "&" is used in the name area enter as "&amp;"

Corporation, association or trust recipient name - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second line of the recipient corporation, association or trust name



Recipient address - line 1
- 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the recipient's address

Recipient address - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second line of the recipient's address

Recipient city
- 28 alphanumeric
- City in which the recipient is located

Recipient province or territory code
- 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the recipient is located or the state in the USA where the recipient is located use the abbreviations listed in the pdf document entitled "T619 - Electronic media transmittal" under section: Transmitter province or territory code.
- When the recipient's country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter ZZ in this field.

Recipient country code
- 3 alpha
- Country in which the recipient is located
- Use the alpha country codes as outlined in the International Standard (ISO) 3166 Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.
- Always use CAN for Canada, and USA for the United States of America.

Recipient postal code
- 10 alphanumeric
- Recipient's Canadian postal code, format: alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, example: A9A9A9
- or the recipient's USA zip code
- or where the recipient's country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter the foreign postal code.


Sequence number
- Required 9 numeric
- Sequence number as it appears on the AGR-1 slip

Report Type Code
- Required 1 alpha
- Original = O

Recipient type indicator
- Required 1 numeric
- 1 if the recipient is an individual
- 3 if the recipient is a corporation
- 4 if the recipient is an association, a trust (fiduciary-trustee, nominee or estate), a club, or a partnership

Recipient social insurance number (SIN)
- Required 9 numeric
- AGR-1 slip, box 12
- When the recipient has failed to provide a SIN, enter zeroes in the entire field.
- When the SIN is not applicable (e.g., a corporation), enter zeroes in the entire field.

Trust number
- Required 1 alpha, 8 numeric, example: T00000000
- AGR-1 slip, box 19
- Recipient's trust number
- When the recipient has failed to provide a trust number, enter a T in the alpha portion and zeroes in the numeric portion of the field.
- When the Trust Number is not applicable (e.g., an individual), enter zeroes in the entire field.

Recipient Account Number
- Required 15 alphanumeric, example: 000000000RP0000, or 000000000RZ0000
- AGR-1 slip, box 21
- Recipient's complete Account number
- When the recipient has failed to provide an Account number, enter 000000000RP0000, or 000000000RZ0000.
- When an Account number is not applicable (e.g., an individual), enter 000000000RP0000, or 000000000RZ0000.


Income, grants and subsidies
- 11 numeric, enter dollars and cents.
- AGR-1 slip, box 14

Gain on Settlement of debt
- 11 numeric, enter dollar and cents
- AGR-1 slip, box 15
Insurance proceeds
- 11 numeric, enter dollar and cents
- AGR-1 slip, box 16

Overpayment recapture
- 11 numeric, enter dollar and cents
- AGR-1 slip, box 17

Investment income
- 11 numeric, enter dollar and cents
- AGR-1 slip, box 18


Number of slip AGR-1 detail records
- Required 7 numeric - total number of AGR
- 1 slip detail records for this recipient

Footnote description area
- 60 alphanumeric
- AGR-1 slip, box 22




Business Number (BN)
- Required 15 alphanumeric, the fifteen digits of the filer’s BN, example: 000000000RP0000
- When you have not been provided a BN, enter 000000000RP0000 in the field.


Filer name - line 1
- Required 30 alphanumeric
- First line of filer's name
- If "&" is used in the name area enter as "&amp;"

Filer's name - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second line of filer's name

Filer's name - line 3
- 30 alphanumeric
- Use for "care of" or "attention"



Filer address - line 1
- 30 alphanumeric
- First line of the filer's address

Filer address - line 2
- 30 alphanumeric
- Second line of the filer's address

Filer city
- 28 alphanumeric
- City in which the filer is located

Filer province or territory code
- 2 alpha
- Canadian province or territory in which the filer is located or the state in the USA where the filer is located
- Use the abbreviations listed in the pdf document entitled "T619 - Electronic media transmittal" under section: Transmitter province or territory code.
- When the filer's country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter ZZ in this field.

Filer country code
- 3 alpha
- Country in which the filer is located
- Use the alphabetic country codes as outlined in the International Standard (ISO) 3166 - Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.
- Always use CAN for Canada, and USA for the United States of America.

Filer postal code
- 10 alphanumeric
- Filer's Canadian postal code, format: alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, example: A9A9A9
- or the filer's USA zip code
- or when the filer's country code is neither CAN nor USA, enter the foreign postal code.



Contact name
- Required 22 alphanumeric
- Contact's first name followed by surname for this return
- Omit titles such as Mr., Mrs., etc.

Contact area code
- Required 3 numeric
- Area code of telephone number

Contact telephone number
- Required 3 numeric with a hyphen (-), followed by 4 numeric
- Telephone number of contact

Contact extension number
- 5 numeric
- Extension of the contact


Taxation year
- Required 4 numeric
- Taxation year (e.g., 2004)

Total number of AGR-1 slip records
- Required 7 numeric
- Total number of AGR-1 slip records filed with this AGR-1 Summary

Report Type Code
- Required 1 alpha
- Original = O

Filer identification number (FIN)
- Required 2 alpha, 7 numeric, example: HA0000000
- Filer identification number assigned by the CRA.

Note: enter dollars and cents for all of the financial amounts with a field length of 13 characters

Total income, grants and subsidies
- Accumulated total of recipients' income, grants and subsidies as reported on the AGR-1 slip record filed with this AGR-1 Summary

Total settlement of debt
- Accumulated total of recipients' settlement of debt as reported on the AGR-1 slip record filed with this AGR-1 Summary

Total insurance proceeds
- Accumulated total of recipients' insurance proceeds as reported on the AGR-1 slip records filed with this AGR-1 Summary

Total overpayment recapture
- Accumulated total of recipients' overpayment recapture as reported on the AGR-1 slip records filed with this AGR-1 Summary

Total investment income
- Accumulated total of recipients' investment income as reported on the AGR-1 slip records filed with this AGR-1 Summary





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