Registered Investments (RIs)


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Registered Investments (RIs)

Frequently asked questions

  1. What is a Registered Investment?
  2. What is required to apply for registration?
  3. What documents are required to change the name of a fund trust?
  4. What documents are required to change a trustee?
  5. Where can I get a list of all registered investments?
  6. How can I get an error in the RI listing corrected?

1. What is a Registered Investment?
A registered investment is an investment vehicle pre-approved by the CRA based on a submission by investment professionals to set up a trust or corporation, units or shares of which are marketed to deferred income plans such as deferred profit sharing plans and registered retirement savings plans. These funds or corporations act as pooled investment vehicles similar to mutual fund trusts used by individuals.

There are four distinct types of registered investment: mutual fund trusts, pooled fund trusts, mutual fund corporations and investment corporations. For each type of registered investment there is also a "quasi" variation. For example, a quasi mutual fund trust is registered as "almost" a mutual fund trust in that it is unable to meet certain mutual fund trust restrictions under section 4801 of the Income Tax Regulations, such as number of unitholders or distribution of units.

Within the mutual and quasi mutual fund trusts, there is a further variation. This depends on whether or not the units are "redeemable on demand."

In total, there are 10 variations of registered investments:

  • Mutual Fund Trusts (redeemable)
  • Mutual Fund Trusts (non redeemable)
  • Quasi Mutual Fund Trusts (redeemable)
  • Quasi Mutual Fund Trusts (non redeemable)
  • Pooled Fund Trusts
  • Quasi Pooled Fund Trusts
  • Mutual Fund Corporations
  • Quasi Mutual Fund Corporations
  • Investment Corporations
  • Quasi Investment Corporations

2. What is required to apply for registration?
The applicant or trustee for all types of registered investments must submit the following documents at application:

  • completed form T2217 signed by an applicant resident in Canada;
  • an executed trust agreement for a trust or governing documents detailing the incorporation of a corporation, each of whom must be resident in Canada;

and, if the applicant is not a mutual fund trust (redeemable) or a mutual fund corporation,

  • a statement of assets and liabilities as of the date of registration;
  • a statement of income and expenses for the most recently completed fiscal period, or if no such period exists, for the part of the fiscal period before the date of registration; and
  • a statement showing in detail all property held on the date of registration, indicating the name of the corporation, trust, debtor, etc., and showing the fair market value at the time each type of investment was acquired.

3. What documents are required to change the name of a fund trust?
When the name of the fund is changed, a formal amendment to the trust document is required unless the change is provided for under the terms of the existing agreement.

4. What documents are required to change a trustee?
The applicant or trustee must advise Registered Plans Directorate in writing when there is a change of trustee. Unless each trust agreement provides for a successor trustee, a formal amendment is required.

5. Where can I get a list of all registered investments?
In accordance with section 204.5 of the Income Tax Act, a list of all registered investments as of December 31 of the preceding year is published in the Canada Gazette each year.

The list of registered investments as at December 31st of the previous year is published in the late spring or summer every year.

6. How can I get an error in the RI listing corrected?
The list of registered investments published in the Canada Gazette is based on the most recent information in our files. If you see an error in the published list, please contact us to have the error corrected. Depending on the nature of the error, we may require an amendment in order to correct the error.

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