Service standards 2014-2015
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Service standards 2014-2015
Service standards represent the Canada Revenue Agency's commitment to a level of performance that clients can expect when getting the service under normal circumstances.
The following is a list of our service standards for 2014-2015.
- Businesses
- Business enquiries - telephone service level
- Claims - SR&ED tax incentives - claimant-requested adjustments to non-refundable claims
- Claims - SR&ED tax incentives - claimant-requested adjustments to refundable claims
- Claims - SR&ED tax incentives - Non-refundable claims
- Claims - SR&ED tax incentives - Refundable claims
- Claims - video and film tax credits - refundable claims - audited
- Claims - video and film tax credits - refundable claims - unaudited
- GST/HST rulings and interpretations - telephone enquiries
- GST/HST rulings and interpretations - written enquiries
- Processing excise tax, excise duty, softwood lumber returns, and air travellers security charge returns
- Processing GST/HST returns
- Processing T2 corporation income tax returns - electronic
- Processing T2 corporation income tax returns - paper
- Charities and charitable giving
- Child and family benefit recipients
- Canada Child Tax Benefit enquiries - telephone service level
- GST/HST Credit Enquiries Telephone Service Level
- Processing benefit applications and marital status change forms - accuracy
- Processing benefit applications and marital status change forms - timeliness
- Responding to benefit and credit enquiries - accuracy
- Responding to benefit and credit enquiries - timeliness
- Validation and control - Results of review
- Individuals and trusts
- Advance income tax rulings
- e-Services Helpdesk - telephone service level
- General enquiries - Telephone service level
- Processing a request to authorize or cancel a representative – paper
- Processing a request to authorize or cancel a representative – electronic
- Processing T1 individual income tax returns (EFILE and NETFILE)
- Processing T1 individual income tax returns (paper)
- Processing T3 trust returns
- Responding to taxpayer-requested adjustments (T1)
- Responding to taxpayer-requested adjustments (T1) received by Internet
- Technical interpretations
- Registered plans
- Actuarial valuation reports
- Amendments to registered pension plans
- Applications to register pension plans
- Deferred income plans - response to written enquiries
- Deferred profit sharing plans - Amendments and terminations
- Deferred profit sharing plans - Reviewing applications
- Education savings plans (applications to register, amend, or terminate)
- Retirement income funds (applications to register, amend, or terminate)
- Retirement savings plans (applications to register, amend, or terminate)
- Resolving disputes
- Statistical requests
Related topics
- Date modified:
- 2016-03-03