Performance Report on Sustainable Development April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008
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Appendix F: Environmental Management Programs Targets and Status for 2007-2008
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Procurement |
SDS Activity Include SD clauses and environmental specifications in all new strategic sourcing contracts. (Annual) |
1. Participate in the development of CRA office furniture specifications and ensure SD clauses and environmental specifications are included, where feasible. |
√ |
2. Provide SD input and ensure that environmental statements and criteria are included, where feasible, in all new strategic sourcing contracts. |
√ |
SDS Activity Develop a management plan to expand the scope of green procurement to include IT hardware and software. (March 31, 2008) |
3. Develop a management plan to expand the scope of green procurement to include IT hardware and software. |
√ |
SDS Activity Review and improve the efficiency of the CRA procurement process when working with suppliers, such as the bidding process, ordering systems, e-capabilities, green procurement tracking, and any new contracting tools. (March 31, 2009) |
4. Review CRA's procurement process and identify potential areas for efficiency improvements. |
√ |
5. Expand the quarterly WBRO green procurement dashboard to include acquisition card purchases outside of WBRO. |
√ |
6. Participate in the needs analysis of ARIBA, CRA's procurement tool. |
√ |
SDS Activity Explore opportunities to green services procured by the CRA. (March 31, 2009) |
7. Research industry standards/approaches for identifying green services (including green service criteria) and document findings. |
√ |
8. Identify and document CRA's top service providers and/or procured services by dollar value in 2006-07. |
√ |
SDS Activity Implement a Printer Consolidation Strategy that will establish appropriate user-to-printer ratios and update acquisition, renewal and disposal policies and procedures to achieve these ratios. (March 31, 2010) |
9. Review the CRA printer acquisition, renewal and disposal policies and procedures and identify opportunities for improvements from an SD perspective. |
√ |
10. Provide SD consultation in activities related to the review and opportunity assessment of CRA print output and hardware requirements. |
√ |
SDS Activity Provide green procurement training to 100% of procurement officers and their managers. (March 31, 2010) |
√ |
11. Work with Administration Directorate to identify and endorse an appropriate green procurement training product for CRA procurement officers and managers. |
√ |
12. Offer training to procurement offices and managers and track training. |
√ |
SDS Activity Implement the Office Print Output Strategy to reduce the life-cycle cost of print output and paper consumption by setting up a long-term procurement strategy for multifunctional devices that enhances electronic capabilities and more directly links printing costs to print volumes. (March 31, 2010) |
13. Participate in the development of the procurement strategy/vehicle for print output devices (e.g. multifunctional devices) and ensure it includes SD clauses and environmental specifications, where feasible. |
√ |
SDS Activity Continue to plan, implement, and report performance of the CRA Environmental Management System (EMS). (Annual) |
14. Formalize, implement and report on the 2007-2008 EMP for Procurement and develop draft version of the 2008-09 EMP. |
√ |
15. Review and update the green classification of products available through WBRO. |
√ |
16. Determine and report on CRA's total spending for 2006-2007 broken down by products and services including the total spending for green products. |
√ |
Procurement sub-total |
15 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Target |
M |
MM |
NM |
D |
Paper |
SDS Activity Expand the paper baseline to include the three major sources of the CRA's paper consumption: 1) multi-purpose office paper; 2) paper used in CRA printing systems (e.g., ELCS); and 3) paper printed in external printing shops. (March 31, 2008) |
√ |
1.Complete data collection and analysis for CRA multi-purpose office paper consumption for fiscal year 2006-07, broken down to the regional and branch level and including financial data for short run printing services. |
√ |
2. Develop the 2006-07 report on CRA's consumption of office paper based on the 2006-07 consumption analysis to assess performance against the 2004-2007 SDS targets. Distribute report to the SD Coordinators. |
√ |
3. Complete data collection and analysis for paper used in CRA printing systems and paper printed in external print shops. |
√ |
4. Develop the 2006-2007 report on CRA's consumption of paper used in printing systems and external print shops based on the 2006-2007 consumption analysis. Distribute report to the SD Coordinators. |
√ |
SDS Activity Revise the procedures for responding to requests under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act (ATIP), resulting in a reduced paper burden, while maintaining or improving processing efficiency. (March 31, 2008) |
5. Work with ATIP Directorate representatives in PAB to revise, where feasible the procedures for responding to requests under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act (ATIP), resulting in a reduced paper burden, while maintaining or improving processing efficiency. |
√ |
SDS Activity Implement, where possible, the Agency Wide Information Classification Scheme (AWICS) program as an effective means to reduce paper, electronic and Web content information storage. (March 31, 2010) |
6. Provide functional advice, where feasible, to the Statistics and Information Management Directorate (SIMD), CSBDB on appropriate SD criteria and performance measures for implementing AWICS. Obtain AWICS implementation report from SIMD. |
√ |
7. Where feasible, implement within SD division operations the Group (hard) Drive best practices developed by SIMD, CSBDB as an effective means of reducing duplicate information (electronic and/or paper) storage in Agency filing systems and getting rid of unnecessary long-term retention of information. Document the best practices adopted in an implementation report. |
√ |
SDS Activity Develop a strategy and funding proposal for internal/external forms that will set out requirements to advance the electronic capabilities of forms (ex. fillable, saveable, electronic authentication), as well as establish formal requirements for data processing, accessibility, and automated multi- format publishing. (March 31, 2010) |
8. Provide SD support, as required, to the Taxpayer Information Division (TID), TSDMB and Electronic Print Media Directorate (EPMD) to develop a strategy and funding proposal to advance the electronic capabilities of forms. |
√ |
SDS Activity Research and develop a historical timeline of CRA tax filing processes, focusing on the shift from paper filing to E-filing, and the associated paper burden. (March 31, 2008) |
9. Work with Taxpayer Services and Debt Management Branch (TSDMB) to research and develop a historical timeline of CRA tax filing processes, focusing on the shift from paper filing to E-filing, and the associated paper burden. |
√ |
SDS Activity Explore the use of an 'SD watermark' or SD statement on client and taxpayer correspondence and the CRA's external Web site. (March 31, 2008) |
10. Work with PAB's External Administrative Correspondence Committee to explore opportunities to formally duplex and add SD messaging to all external administrative and executive correspondence, where feasible. Develop a recommendations report and distribute to members of the committee. Provide guidance for implementation, where necessary and feasible. Highlight any achievements on the paper section of the SD website. |
√ |
SDS Activity Innovate in the delivery of general SD awareness messages to employees through national campaigns, events, and local initiatives, such as Environment Week. (Annual) |
11. Review and update the paper section of the SD website as required to ensure the content is current and accurate. Track website hits on a monthly basis. |
√ |
12. Update the "Success Report on CRA's Duplex by Default Initiative" to include the 2006-2007 printer inventory analysis. Update the paper section of the SD website and provide link to SD Coordinators. |
√ |
13. Work with HRB to explore opportunities to modify printing systems for letters of offer and other internal employee correspondence to incorporate paper use best practices, such as duplex printing and including SD messaging. |
√ |
14. Conduct a functional scan of the Agency to determine which processes have the most significant impact on multipurpose office paper use. |
√ |
15. Update the paper reduction campaign to communicate and promote paper reduction strategies, initiatives and best practices during Waste Reduction Week. Promote the paper reduction campaign Agency-wide. |
√ |
16. Respond to employee enquiries related to paper issues received by the SD division's dedicated email accounts within five business days. |
√ |
17. Coordinate the EMS Paper Sub-committee meetings as required to discuss opportunities for ensuring the sustainable use of office paper throughout the Agency. |
√ |
SDS Activity Continue to plan, implement, and report performance of the CRA Environmental Management System (EMS). (Annual) |
18. Formalize, implement and report on the 2007-08 EMP for Paper and develop draft version of the 2008-2009 EMP. |
√ |
Paper sub-total |
18 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Fleet |
SDS Activity All vehicles purchased/leased by the CRA are either hybrid or alternative fuel capable, where operationally feasible. (Annual) |
1. Ensure that 75% of all vehicles purchased by the CRA operate on alternative transportation fuel where cost effective and operationally feasible. |
√ |
2. Ensure that all vehicles purchased/leased by the CRA are either hybrid or alternative fuel capable, where operationally feasible. |
√ |
SDS Activity All gasoline purchased for CRA road vehicles will be ethanol blended, where available. (Annual) |
3. Update the CRA Fleet Policy and the CRA Fleet Manager's Handbook to include appropriate SD components including TBS direction on the required use of ethanol-blended fuels. |
√ |
4. Determine the total kilometers traveled, fuel consumption breakdown and equivalent GHG emissions resulting from CRA fleet use for 2005-06. |
√ |
SDS Activity Develop and distribute communications materials to CRA fleet drivers on ethanol blended fuels and retailers. (March 31, 2008) |
5. Develop and distribute communication materials to CRA fleet drivers on ethanol blended fuels and retailers |
√ |
SDS Activity Develop and deliver job-specific SD training for target employee groups, such as corporate planners, policy makers, frequent travelers, and procurement officers, which will support the SD training needs of the SD Strategy 2007-2010. (March 31, 2010) |
6. Offer CRA's Sustainable Business Travel course to all Agency fleet managers and drivers. |
√ |
SDS Activity Innovate in the delivery of general SD awareness messages to employees through national campaigns, events, and local initiatives, such as Environment Week. (Annual) |
7. Review and update the fleet pages on AD's Corporate Services and SD websites to ensure content is current, accurate and promotes ethanol usage. |
√ |
SDS Activity Continue to plan, implement, and report performance of the CRA Environmental Management System (EMS). (Annual) |
8. Formalize, implement and report on the 2007-08 EMP for Fleet and develop draft version of the 2008-09 EMP. |
√ |
9. Participate in the Treasury Board interdepartmental fleet meetings and the Annual Federal Fleet Managers Workshop. |
√ |
Fleet sub-total |
6 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Hazardous waste |
SDS Activity Complete an assessment of IT hardware and software disposal practices across the CRA and use results to expand the scope of the environmental management program (EMP) for hazardous materials. (March 31, 2008) |
1. Work with the Administration Directorate, the IT Branch, and other stakeholders to complete an assessment of IT hardware and software disposal practices in the CRA and use the results to develop targets for the 2008-09 EMP for Hazardous Waste. |
√ |
SDS Activity Innovate in the delivery of general SD awareness messages to employees through national campaigns, events, and local initiatives, such as Environment Week. (Annual) |
2. Assist the Administration Directorate with the communications of the Procedures for Donating CRA Surplus Moveable Assets (Procedures), which include the disposal of surplus cellular telephones and IT equipment, when they are finalized. |
√ |
3. Respond to employee inquiries related to hazardous waste issues received by the SD division's dedicated email accounts within five business days. |
√ |
4. Address issues related to the management of hazardous materials used in CRA occupied facilities as they arise. |
√ |
SDS Activity Explore opportunities to add the use of non-toxic cleaning products into new and renewed leases at priority CRA facilities. (March 31, 2009) |
5. Research the benefits and risks associated with the implementation of a battery-recycling program in CRA occupied facilities and complete stakeholder consultations. |
√ |
6. If stakeholder approval is obtained, develop draft guidelines for the implementation of a battery recycling program, and consult with stakeholders. |
√ |
SDS Activity Continue to plan, implement, and report performance of the CRA Environmental Management System (EMS). (Annual) |
7. Formalize, implement and report on the 2007-08 EMP for Hazardous Waste and develop draft version of the 2008-09 EMP. |
√ |
Hazardous Waste sub- total |
4 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Halocarbons |
SDS Activity Develop and implement product replacement plans for priority items in halocarbons inventory. (March 31, 2010) |
1. Maintain the inventory of halocarbon-containing systems in CRA occupied facilities. |
√ |
2. Finalize the halocarbon management plan for Headquarters and begin implementation, if feasible. |
√ |
3. Work with Admin Directorate to assess the feasibility of establishing a systematic means for identifying and tracking halocarbon-containing system purchases. |
√ |
4. Investigate the feasibility of creating an online halocarbon inventory reporting tool. |
√ |
SDS Activity Develop and deliver job-specific SD training for target employee groups, such as corporate planners, policy makers, frequent travelers, and procurement officers, which will support the SD training needs of the SD Strategy 2007 - 2010. (March 31, 2010) |
5. Promote Environment Canada's FHR training workshop to appropriate Agency employees and track participation rates. |
√ |
6. Finalize and communicate the updated CRA SOP for Halocarbon-Containing Systems. |
√ |
7. Identify the FHR requirements for motor vehicles as they relate to the CRA. |
√ |
8. Respond to employee enquiries related to Halocarbon issues received by the SD division's dedicated email accounts within five business days. |
√ |
9. Formalize, implement and report on the 2007-08 EMP for Halocarbons and develop draft version of the 2008-2009 EMP. |
√ |
10. Report halocarbon releases to the appropriate authority, as applicable. |
√ |
Halocarbon sub-total |
7 |
1 |
2 |
0 |
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Storage tanks |
SDS Activity Continue to plan, implement, and report performance of the CRA Environmental Management System (EMS). (Annual) |
1. Formalize, implement and report on the 2007-08 EMP for Storage Tanks and develop draft version of the 2008-2009 EMP. |
√ |
2. Update the CRA storage tank inventory. |
√ |
3. Update the Storage Tank SOP based on enacted changes to the federal storage tank regulations and disseminate to appropriate employees. |
√ |
4. Implement the corrective actions based on the recommendations contained in the storage tank compliance assessments completed in 2005-2006. |
√ |
Storage tanks sub-total |
2 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Solid waste |
Related SDS Activity Develop a methodology for estimating Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from waste management programs at priority facilities. (March 31, 2008). |
1. Research methodologies used by other organizations for estimating GHG emissions related to waste disposal and diversion activities, and develop a methodology that is appropriate for use by the CRA. |
√ |
SDS Activity Implement the No Waste program in additional priority facilities representing a total of 75% of CRA employees (FTE). (March 31, 2009). |
SDS Activity Measure waste diversion rates, including reduction and reuse totals, and measure emissions (GHG) reductions as a result of waste management programs at all priority facilities. (March 31, 2010). |
2. Update information about the waste management programs in the CRA facilities that were considered non-priority for waste management during SD Strategy 2004-2007. |
√ |
3. Use the waste management program information collected along with consultations with appropriate stakeholders, to select the additional priority facilities for waste management during SD Strategy 2007-2010, and develop a waste management action plan. |
√ |
4. Add photos to the Photo Catalogue in the waste section of the national SD website. |
√ |
SDS Activity Implement reduction and reuse programs at priority facilities, such as green meetings, office moves, paper reduction, and reusable mugs. (March 31, 2009). |
5. Support SD Coordinators, social committees, and executive offices to further integrate waste diversion into local events. |
√ |
SDS Activity Innovate in the delivery of general SD awareness messages to employees through national campaigns, events, and local initiatives, such as Environment Week. (Annual) |
6. Support planning and implementation of Waste Reduction Week activities. |
√ |
7. Respond to employee enquiries related to solid waste issues received by the SD division's dedicated email accounts within five business days. |
√ |
SDS Activity Continue to plan, implement, and report performance of the CRA Environmental Management System (EMS). (Annual) |
8. Formalize, implement and report on the 2007-08 EMP for Solid Waste and develop draft version of the 2008-09 EMP. |
√ |
Solid waste sub-total |
7 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Outside emissions |
SDS Activity Establish an emissions (GHG) baseline for business travel to include local and long-distance travel and videoconferencing. (March 31, 2008) |
SDS Activity Develop data fields to capture emissions data in the travel component of the Corporate Administrative System (CAS), and make relevant changes to associated travel forms. (March 31, 2009) |
1. Develop tools and identify emissions factors to enable the SD division to establish a business travel and videoconferencing baseline. |
√ |
2. Work with the Financial Administration Directorate (FAD) & Administration Directorate (AD) to enable data collection for a business travel and videoconferencing baseline. |
√ |
SDS Activity Communicate best practices for sustainable business travel to priority employee groups, such as frequent travelers and travel administrators at the CRA. (March 31, 2009) |
SDS Activity Innovate in the delivery of general SD awareness messages to employees through national campaigns, events, and local initiatives, such as Environment Week. (Annual) |
3. Implement and evaluate the Local Business Travel Pilot Project. |
√ |
4. Work with FAD to include sustainable business travel best practices on Infozone, as required. |
√ |
5. Develop materials to enable the promotion of sustainable transportation. |
√ |
6. Respond to employee enquiries related to commuter and business travel issues received by the SD division's dedicated email accounts within five business days. |
√ |
SDS Activity Update policies and procedures for business travel, taxi use, and the parking allocation process, with sustainable business travel criteria. (March 31, 2010) |
SDS Activity Discuss opportunities to integrate sustainable transportation criteria into relevant policies and procedures, such as the Telework Policy. (March 31, 2010) |
7. Work with stakeholders (e.g. FAD, RPSID, HRB) to integrate sustainable transportation criteria into policies, guidelines and practices, as required. |
√ |
SDS Activity Develop and deliver job-specific SD training for target employee groups, such as corporate planners, policy makers, frequent travelers, and procurement officers, which will support the SD training needs the SD Strategy 2007-2010. (March 31, 2010) |
8. Investigate the feasibility of password protecting the Sustainable Business Travel (SBT) Course and implement, if feasible. |
√ |
9. Investigate the feasibility of offering the SBT Course to target employee groups and implement, if feasible. |
√ |
SDS Activity Establish a baseline for employee commuting, such as emissions (GHG) and employee commuting behaviour /mode of travel. (March 31, 2008) |
10. Develop tools and materials to enable the SD division to establish an employee commuting baseline. |
√ |
11. Establish an employee commuting baseline. |
√ |
SDS Activity Develop and deliver programs and communications materials to encourage sustainable commuting among CRA employees. (March 31, 2009) |
12. Work with CRA Compensation, OC Transpo and Transport Canada to administer the TPP in the National Capital Region and coordinate improvements, as required. |
√ |
13. Work with stakeholders to finalize the CRA TPP compensation procedures and provide training to CRA compensation employees, as required. |
√ |
14. Work with Transport Canada and other stakeholders to expand the federal TPP to CRA employees beyond the National Capital Region, as required. |
√ |
15. Develop, disseminate and compile the results of a commuter needs assessment at CRA facilities. |
√ |
SDS Activity Continue to plan, implement, and report performance of the CRA Environmental Management System (EMS). (Annual) |
16. Formalize, implement and report on the 2007-08 EMP for Outside Emissions and develop draft version of the 2008-09 EMP. |
√ |
Outside emissions sub-total |
11 |
2 |
2 |
1 |
Target | M | MM | NM | D |
Combined EMP Totals |
69 |
8 |
9 |
2 |
- Date modified:
- 2009-01-13