Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2007-2010 - April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2010


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Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2007-2010

Goal 3: All employees apply sustainable development in their jobs

Objective 3.1: Demonstrate leadership and commitment to sustainable development

Targets and Corresponding
Performance Indicators and Measures
Activities Activity Outputs Accountability
(OPI /OCI /Partner)

3.1.1 By March 31, 2010, CRA leaders will demonstrate their support for SD in the workplace by committing to SD responsibilities in their performance agreements:

- 90% of EC (Executive Cadre)
- 90% of MG (manager/gestion) and equivalents

Include meaningful and measurable SD expectations in the guidelines for preparing performance agreements for EC and MG management levels. (Annual)

SD responsibilities in guideline document and updated SD clauses for EC and MG performance agreements

FAB (SMPSD) / HRB (EOOD, EPPD) and CSBDB (CPGMD) and SD Network / -

Performance Indicators
Number of EC managers who received training or communications materials on SD; number of MG Learning Program sessions with SD content delivered and number of participants

Performance Measures
Percentage of EC performance agreements that include an SD clause; Percentage of assessed MG performance agreements that include an SD clause; percentage of annual branch/regional SD Action Plan commitments completed

Data Collection Method/Source
Annual branch /regional SD reports; reports from MG program (HRB) and EC program (CSBDB)

Continue to develop and deliver job-specific SD training for MG managers. (Annual)

SD training module for MG's


Explore opportunities to deliver SD messages and communications materials to ECs, and to integrate principles of SD into new management development learning programs/resources. (ex. EXDP). (March 31, 2008)

Recommendations report for reaching EC's with SD messages


Objective 3.2: Raise the level of employee involvement and support for sustainable development

Targets and Corresponding
Performance Indicators and Measures
Activities Activity Outputs Accountability
(OPI /OCI /Partner)

3.2.1 By March 31, 2010, we will educate our large workforce to achieve 95% of employees who indicate they have some awareness of CRA's effort to reduce its environmental footprint and demonstrate sustainable service delivery.

Innovate in the delivery of general SD awareness messages to employees through national campaigns, events, and local initiatives, such as Environment Week. (Annual)

National and local SD campaigns, events, and communications materials

FAB (SMPSD) / SD Network / -

Performance Indicators
Results of and participation in national and local SD awareness campaigns and events; number of Innovation Fund proposals received, accepted and results of funded projects; number of employees recognized for their contributions to SD in the workplace; number of SD training modules developed for target employees and number of employees trained; number of employee orientation programs that include SD.

Performance Measure
Percentage of employees who are aware of the CRA SD program

Data Collection Method/Source
Employee awareness survey

Implement the SD Innovation Fund nationally to employees. (Annual)

National SD Innovation Fund program

FAB (SMPSD) / - / -

Strengthen employee commitment to SD in workplace by providing employees and their managers with the necessary tools and examples to include SD commitments in employee performance agreements. (Dropped )

Web page and guidance material on including SD in employee performance agreements

FAB (SMPSD) / HRB & SD Network / -

Develop and launch a Recognition Toolkit for recognition coordinators to enable them to recognize employees in the branches and regions for their contributions to SD in the workplace, such as innovation in business practices leading to efficient internal operations and service delivery. (March 31, 2008)

Recognition Toolkit and launch plan

FAB (SMPSD) and HRB (SBMPSD) / SD Network / -

Integrate SD information into orientation programs for new employees in the branches and regions. (March 31, 2010)

SD included in branch and regional orientation programs

FAB (SMPSD) / SD Network / -

Develop and deliver job-specific SD training for target employee groups, such as corporate planners, policy makers, frequent travellers, and procurement officers, which will support the SD training needs of the SD Strategy 2007-2010. (March 31, 2010)

SD Learning Plan 2007-2010; training modules for target employee groups

FAB (SMPSD) / HRB (TLD), CSDBD (CPGMD), FAB (AD), SD Network / -

Targets and Corresponding
Performance Indicators and Measures
Activities Activity Outputs Accountability

3.2.2 Contribute to cleaner air and employee well-being by developing and implementing employee commuting initiatives at priority facilities by March 31, 2010.[Footnote 1]

Establish a baseline for employee commuting, such as emissions (GHG) and employee commuting behaviour /mode of travel. (March 31, 2008)

Baseline and report

SD Network

Performance Indicators
Number of priority facilities where commuting information was delivered to employees; hits to employee commuting Web page; number and type of potential commuting-related service improvements identified; percentage of targets completed in the environment management program for outside emissions; estimates of total and per employee distance traveled; estimates of total GHG emissions and emissions per employee; estimates of travel modal share

Performance Measures
Number of priority facilities where the employee commuting initiatives were implemented; percentage reduction in emissions (GHG) and/or percentage increase in sustainable modes of travell

Data Collection Method/Source
Employee commuting survey / other data collection methods

Develop and deliver initiatives and communications materials to encourage sustainable commuting among CRA employees. (March 31, 2010)

New initiatives to encourage employee commuting; and communications materials, activities, Web page

ITB and
SD Network / Transport Canada

Explore opportunities to negotiate employee travel needs, such as building location, showers, lockers and bike racks, into new and renewed leases. (March 31, 2010)

Recommendations report


Discuss opportunities to integrate sustainable transportation criteria into relevant policies and procedures, such as the Telework Policy. (March 31, 2010)

Recommendations report for integrating employee commuting criteria integrated into policies



[Footnote 1]
This commitment contributes to the Government of Canada's sustainable development priorities.
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