Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2007-2010 - April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2010


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Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2007-2010

Appendix 2: Definitions of Terminology and Acronyms


* - This symbol indicates that the activity directly supports one of the sustainable development priorities of the Government of Canada.

Vision - A visionary statement that describes what the CRA will be known for once it fully adopts sustainable development into its business.

Long-term Outcome - A high-level statement about the desired societal results of our actions towards sustainable development. Long-term outcomes are usually close-ended statements that are too high level to measure.

Goal - A statement indicating a desired result that is long-term and strategic, and achievable within a 15-year period (i.e., over the span of five three-year strategies). It focuses on key priorities and is related to those areas where the CRA can make the biggest difference towards sustainable development. Objectives subdivide the goal into focus areas.

Objective - A clear statement that subdivides a goal into focus areas, and is achievable within a 6 to 9-year period (i.e., over the span of two or three three-year strategies). Targets subdivide the objective into specific commitments.

Target - A statement that subdivides an objective into specific commitments. It is SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented, and time bound), is usually achievable within a three-year period, and will lead towards achieving objectives. Activities subdivide the target into annual achievements.

Activity - A short-term action that, in combination with other activities, will lead to achieving a target.

Activity Output - The result of an activity, which is often a document or service provided.

Performance Indicators - A qualitative or quantitative interim measurement that demonstrates that meaningful steps are being taken to achieve a target; and is linked to the activities that support the target.

Performance Measures - A qualitative or quantitative measurement that determines whether or not a target has been met.

Data Collection Method / Source - A short description of the type of data needed to measures performance towards achieving a target, where to find the data (e.g., Annual Report), and the means of collecting the data.

Accountability (OPI/ OCI/ Partner) - Indicates who is responsible for completing the activity. The group listed first in the "Accountability" column of the Action Plan is designated as the Office of Primary Interest (OPI). The group listed second in the column is designated as the Office of Collaborating Interest (OCI). The group listed third in the column is designated as a partner. OPIs are responsible for taking the lead in implementing the activity, and are fully accountable for its completion. OCIs are accountable for providing support to the OPI to complete the activity, while the OPI will approach the partner for input.


Assessment and Benefit Services Branch

Assessment and Benefit Services Branch (Benefit Programs Directorate)

Appeals Branch

Corporate Audit and Evaluation Branch

Compliance Programs Branch

Compliance Programs Branch (Compliance Strategy Directorate)

Corporate Strategies and Business Development Branch (Client Relations Directorate)

Corporate Strategies and Business Development Branch (Corporate Planning, Governance, and Measurement Directorate)

Corporate Strategies and Business Development Branch (Statistics and Information Management Directorate)

Corporate Strategies and Business Development Branch (Strategic Policy Directorate)

Finance and Administration Branch (Strategic Management and Program Support Directorate)

Finance and Administration Branch (Financial Administration Directorate)

Finance and Administration Branch (Administration Directorate)

Finance and Administration Branch (Real Property and Service Integration Directorate)

Finance and Administration Branch (Security, Risk Management and Internal Affairs Directorate)

Full-time equivalent employee

Human Resources Branch (Employment, Organization and Operations Directorate)

Human Resources Branch (Executive Personnel Programs Directorate)

Human Resources Branch (Strategic Branch Management and Program Support Directorate)

Human Resources Branch (Staff Relations and Compensation Directorate)

Human Resources Branch (Training and Learning Directorate)

Information Technology Branch

Public Affairs Branch (Access to Information Directorate)

Public Affairs Branch (Communications Directorate)

Public Affairs Branch (Electronic and Print Media Directorate)

Public Affairs Branch (Public Opinion Research and Environment Analysis Directorate)

Public Works and Government Services Canada

Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch (Charities Directorate)

National EMS Committee
National Environmental Management System Committee (some branches and all regions)

SD Network
Sustainable Development Network (a committee with representation from all branches and regions)

Taxpayer Services and Debt Management Branch (Tax Information Division)

Taxpayer Services and Debt Management Branch (Taxpayer Services Directorate)

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