Corporate Business Plan in brief 2001-2002 to 2003-2004


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Our Strategic Direction

What we plan to do

Transformation of our Core Business

Tax Services

  • Consult our clients and stakeholders on the future direction of our tax services, and draw together our service improvement strategies and initiatives into a cohesive and client-focused framework;
  • Maintain public trust by treating confidential tax information in accordance with the highest standards of security;
  • Ensure our enforcement programs mitigate the potential risks associated with the growth in electronic commerce and Internet business;
  • Increase audit coverage rates to ensure deterrence, thereby increasing the fiscal impact of our enforcement programs and overall fairness of the tax system;
  • Take full advantage of new management approaches and best practices in carrying out our collection activities; and
  • Make further service delivery improvements for the voluntary sector, and seize opportunities for new partnerships.


  • Modernize our approach to risk by streamlining processes for low-risk travellers and traders, while intensifying our efforts with clients and goods of higher and unknown risk;
  • Adopt a fair and effective sanctions regime that imposes penalties according to the type and severity of the infraction; and
  • Achieve higher levels of compliance through the implementation of a Compliance Improvement Strategy that focuses on priority areas of non-compliance.

Benefit Programs and Other Services

  • Provide more responsive and timely service to benefit clients, while addressing the program challenges resulting from the changes to eligibility requirements.


  • Pursue alternatives to litigation, such as mediation and other dispute-resolution methods;
  • Strengthen risk management through improved identification and tracking of high-risk cases and enhanced monitoring; and
  • Improve program delivery through periodic client consultation and the development of new service options.

Corporate Management and Direction

Human Resources Reform and Renewal

  • Phase-in of the new HR system incrementally;
  • Give early tactical priority to key structural elements of staffing, recourse, labour relations, and classification;
  • Place strategic focus on performance management and compensation;
  • Transform the manager's role to include new responsibilities such as annual performance agreements, determination of performance pay, training and learning plans, human resources planning in support of business transformation, and alternate dispute resolution; and
  • Prioritize initiatives for impact and sustainability.

Administrative Reform and Renewal

  • Confirm the specific outcomes and cost efficiencies that we will achieve with the adoption of more modern administrative practices;
  • Effectively communicate to clients and staff the ways in which these outcomes will be realized;
  • Build tighter linkages between administrative reform and transparent management for results; and
  • Tailor our administrative framework to meet the needs of our clients and staff in order to maximize service improvements and cost efficiencies.

Transparent Management for Results

  • Bring the elements of our management model to full maturity and develop new elements that can be added, such as a strategic cost management capacity;
  • Integrate the elements of the management model to ensure that the constituent parts operate effectively within the model;
  • Ensure the availability of accurate and useful information with the implementation of an agency-wide performance measurement framework based on the Balanced Scorecard;
  • Increase our capacity of intelligence gathering and analysis in ways that help us refine our management processes; and
  • Ensure, through effective and ongoing communications, that managers fully understand and accept the management model and are engaged in its implementation.
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