T2 Corporation – Income Tax Guide – Appendices
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T2 Corporation – Income Tax Guide – Appendices
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Related forms and publications
List of federal and provincial or territorial corporation schedules and forms
We provide the following schedules and forms, at Forms and publications.
Schedules and formsSchedule or form | Title |
RC59 | Business Consent |
RC312 | Reportable Transaction Information Return |
RC366 | Direct Deposit Request for Businesses |
RC431 | Request for Re appropriation of T2 Statute-barred Credits |
RC4288 | Request for Taxpayer Relief – Cancel or Waive Penalties or Interest |
T2 | T2 Corporation Income Tax Return |
T2 Short | T2 Short Return |
T2 SCH 1 | Net Income (Loss) for Income Tax Purposes |
T2 SCH 2 | Charitable Donations and Gifts |
T2 SCH 3 | Dividends Received, Taxable Dividends Paid, and Part IV Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 4 | Corporation Loss Continuity and Application |
T2 SCH 5 | Tax Calculation Supplementary – Corporations |
T2 SCH 6 | Summary of Dispositions of Capital Property |
T2 SCH 7 | Aggregate Investment Income and Active Business Income |
T2 SCH 8 | Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) |
T2 SCH 9 | Related and Associated Corporations |
T2 SCH 10 | Cumulative Eligible Capital Deduction |
T2 SCH 11 | Transactions with Shareholders, Officers, or Employees |
T2 SCH 12 | Resource-Related Deductions |
T2 SCH 13 | Continuity of Reserves |
T2 SCH 14 | Miscellaneous Payments to Residents |
T2 SCH 15 | Deferred Income Plans |
T2 SCH 16 | Patronage Dividend Deduction |
T2 SCH 17 | Credit Union Deductions |
T2 SCH 18 | Federal and Provincial or Territorial Capital Gains Refund |
T2 SCH 19 | Non-Resident Shareholder Information |
T2 SCH 20 | Part XIV – Additional Tax on Non-Resident Corporations |
T2 SCH 21 | Federal and Provincial or Territorial Foreign Income Tax Credits and Federal Logging Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 22 | Non-Resident Discretionary Trust |
T2 SCH 23 | Agreement Among Associated Canadian-Controlled Private Corporations to Allocate the Business Limit (see Schedule 49 for allocation of the expenditure limit) |
T2 SCH 24 | First-Time Filer After Incorporation, Amalgamation, or Winding-up of a Subsidiary into a Parent |
T2 SCH 25 | Investment in Foreign Affiliates |
T2 SCH 27 | Calculation of Canadian Manufacturing and Processing Profits Deduction |
T2 SCH 28 | Election Not to Be an Associated Corporation |
T2 SCH 29 | Payments to Non-Residents |
T2 SCH 31 | Investment Tax Credit – Corporations |
T2 SCH 33 | Taxable Capital Employed in Canada – Large Corporations |
T2 SCH 34 | Taxable Capital Employed in Canada – Financial Institutions |
T2 SCH 35 | Taxable Capital Employed in Canada – Large Insurance Corporations |
T2 SCH 38 | Part VI Tax on Capital of Financial Institutions |
T2 SCH 39 | Agreement Among Related Financial Institutions – Part VI Tax |
T2 SCH 42 | Calculation of Unused Part I Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 43 | Calculation of Parts IV.1 and VI.1 Taxes |
T2 SCH 44 | Non-Arm's Length Transactions |
T2 SCH 45 | Agreement Respecting Liability for Part VI.1 Tax |
T2 SCH 46 | Part II – Tobacco Manufacturers' Surtax |
T2 SCH 49 | Agreement Among Associated Canadian-Controlled Private Corporations to Allocate the Expenditure Limit (see Schedule 23 for allocation of the business limit) |
T2 SCH 50 | Shareholder Information |
T2 SCH 53 | General Rate Income Pool (GRIP) Calculation |
T2 SCH 54 | Low Rate Income Pool (LRIP) Calculation |
T2 SCH 55 | Part III.1 Tax on Excessive Eligible Dividend Designations |
T2 SCH 71 | Income Inclusion for Corporations that Are Members of Single-Tier Partnerships |
T2 SCH 72 | Income Inclusion for Corporations that Are Members of Multi-Tier Partnerships |
T2 SCH 73 | Income Inclusion Summary for Corporations that Are Members of Partnerships |
T2 SCH 88 | Internet Business Activities |
T2 SCH 89 | Request for Capital Dividend Account Balance Verification |
T2 SCH 91 | Information Concerning Claims for Treaty-Based Exemptions |
T2 SCH 97 | Additional Information on Non-resident Corporations in Canada |
T2 SCH 100 | Balance Sheet Information |
T2 SCH 101 | Opening Balance Sheet Information |
T2 SCH 125 | Income Statement Information |
T2 SCH 141 | Notes Checklist |
T2 SCH 300 | Newfoundland and Labrador Manufacturing and Processing Profits Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 301 | Newfoundland and Labrador Research and Development Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 302 | Additional Certificate Numbers for the Newfoundland and Labrador Film and Video Industry Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 303 | Newfoundland and Labrador Direct Equity Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 304 | Newfoundland and Labrador Resort Property Investment Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 305 | Newfoundland and Labrador Capital Tax on Financial Institutions |
T2 SCH 306 | Newfoundland and Labrador Capital Tax on Financial Institutions – Agreement Among Related Corporations |
T2 SCH 307 | Newfoundland and Labrador Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 308 | Newfoundland and Labrador Venture Capital Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 309 | Additional Certificate Numbers for the Newfoundland and Labrador Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 321 | Prince Edward Island Corporate Investment Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 322 | Prince Edward Island Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 340 | Nova Scotia Research and Development Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 341 | Nova Scotia Corporate Tax Reduction for New Small Businesses |
T2 SCH 345 | Additional Certificate Numbers for the Nova Scotia Film Industry Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 346 | Nova Scotia Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 347 | Additional Certificate Numbers for the Nova Scotia Digital Media Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 348 | Additional Certificate Numbers for the Nova Scotia Digital Animation Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 360 | New Brunswick Research and Development Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 365 | Additional Certificate Numbers for the New Brunswick Film Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 366 | New Brunswick Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 367 | New Brunswick Small Business Investor Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 500 | Ontario Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 502 | Ontario Tax Credit for Manufacturing and Processing |
T2 SCH 504 | Ontario Resource Tax Credit and Ontario Additional Tax re Crown Royalties |
T2 SCH 506 | Ontario Transitional Tax Debits and Credits |
T2 SCH 507 | Ontario Transitional Tax Debits and Credits Calculation |
T2 SCH 508 | Ontario Research and Development Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 510 | Ontario Corporate Minimum Tax |
T2 SCH 511 | Ontario Corporate Minimum Tax – Total Assets and Revenue for Associated Corporations |
T2 SCH 512 | Ontario Special Additional Tax on Life Insurance Corporations (SAT) |
T2 SCH 513 | Agreement Among Related Life Insurance Corporations (Ontario) |
T2 SCH 524 | Ontario Specialty Types |
T2 SCH 525 | Ontario Political Contributions Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 546 | Corporations Information Act Annual Return for Ontario Corporations |
T2 SCH 548 | Corporations Information Act Annual Return for Foreign Business Corporations |
T2 SCH 550 | Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 552 | Ontario Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 554 | Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 556 | Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 558 | Ontario Production Services Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 560 | Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 562 | Ontario Sound Recording Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 564 | Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 566 | Ontario Innovation Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 568 | Ontario Business-Research Institute Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 569 | Ontario Business-Research Institute Tax Credit Contract Information |
T2 SCH 380 | Manitoba Research and Development Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 381 | Manitoba Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 383 | Manitoba Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2.SCH 384 | Manitoba Paid Work Experience Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 385 | Manitoba Odour-Control Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 387 | Manitoba Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 388 | Manitoba Film and Video Production Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 389 | Manitoba Book Publishing Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 390 | Manitoba Cooperative Development Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 391 | Manitoba "Neighbourhoods Alive!" tax credit |
T2 SCH 392 | Manitoba data processing investment tax credits |
T2 SCH 393 | Manitoba nutrient management tax credit |
T2 SCH 394 | Manitoba rental housing construction tax credit |
T2 SCH 402 | Saskatchewan Manufacturing and Processing Investment Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 403 | Saskatchewan Research and Development Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 404 | Saskatchewan Manufacturing and Processing Profits Tax Reduction |
T2 SCH 411 | Saskatchewan Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 421 | British Columbia Mining Exploration Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 427 | British Columbia Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 428 | British Columbia Training Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 429 | British Columbia Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 430 | British Columbia shipbuilding and ship repair industry tax credit |
T2 SCH 440 | Yukon Manufacturing and Processing Profits Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 442 | Yukon Research and Development Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 443 | Yukon Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 460 | Northwest Territories Investment Tax Credit |
T2 SCH 461 | Northwest Territories Corporation Tax Calculation |
T2 SCH 481 | Nunavut Corporation Tax Calculation |
T106 | Information Return of Non-Arm's Length Transactions with Non-Residents |
T183CORP | Information Return for Corporations Filing Electronically |
T400A | Objection – Income Tax Act |
T652 | Notice of Revocation of Waiver |
T661 | Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Expenditures Claim |
T666 | British Columbia (BC) Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit |
T1031 | Subsection 13(29) Election in Respect of Certain Depreciable Properties, Acquired for Use in a Long Term Project |
T1044 | Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Information Return |
T1131 | Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit |
T1134 | Information Return Relating to Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates |
T1135 | Foreign Income Verification Statement |
T1141 | Information Return in Respect of Contributions to Non-Resident Trusts, Arrangements or Entities |
T1142 | Information Return in Respect of Distributions from and Indebtedness to a Non-Resident Trust |
T1146 | Agreement to Transfer Qualified Expenditures Incurred in Respect of SR&ED Contracts Between Persons Not Dealing at Arm's Length |
T1177 | Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit |
T1196 | British Columbia Film and Television Tax Credit |
T1197 | British Columbia Production Services Tax Credit |
T1288 | Application by a Non-Resident of Canada (Corporation) for a Reduction in the Amount of Non-Resident Tax Required to be Withheld on Income Earned From Acting in a Film or Video Production |
T1296 | Election, or Revocation of an Election, to Report in a Functional Currency |
T2002 | Election, or Revocation of an Election, Not To Be a Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation |
T2029 | Waiver in Respect of the Normal Reassessment Period or Extended Reassessment Period |
T2057 | Election on Disposition of Property by a Taxpayer to a Taxable Canadian Corporation |
T2058 | Election on Disposition of Property by a Partnership to a Taxable Canadian Corporation |
T5003 (slip) | Statement of Tax Shelter Information |
T5004 | Claim for Tax Shelter Loss or Deduction |
T5013 (slip) | Statement of Partnership Income |
T5013 FIN | Partnership Financial Return |
T5013 SUM | Information Slips Summary |
Online services
Handling business taxes online
Save time using the CRA's online services for businesses. You can:
- authorize a representative, an employee, or a group of employees, who has registered with Represent a Client, for online access to your business accounts;
- request or delete authorization online through Represent a Client, if you are a representative;
- register for online mail, get email notifications, and view your mail online;
- calculate a balance that includes interest calculated to a future date;
- authorize the withdrawal of a pre-determined amount from your bank account;
- transfer payments and immediately view updated balances;
- request remittance vouchers;
- enrol for direct deposit, update banking information, and view direct deposit transactions;
- request a refund;
- request copies of notices;
- change addresses;
- view answers to common enquiries, and if needed, submit account related enquiries;
- view closing balances (for example, non-capital loss balances);
- view the status of filed returns;
- view the account balance and instalment balance, including the corresponding transactions (for example, payments); and
- do much more.
To register or log in to our online services, go to:
- My Business Account, if you are a business owner; or
- Represent a Client, if you are an authorized representative or employee.
For more information, go to E-services for Businesses.
Receiving your CRA mail online
You, or your representative (authorized at a level 2), can choose to receive most of your CRA mail for your business online.
When you or your representative registers for online mail, an email notification will be sent to the email address(es) provided when there is new mail available to view in My Business Account. Correspondence available through online mail will no longer be printed and mailed. To register, select the “Manage online mail” service and follow the steps.
Using our online mail service is faster and easier than managing paper correspondence.
Authorizing the withdrawal of a pre‑determined amount from your bank account
Pre‑authorized debit (PAD) is an online, self‑service, payment option. Through this option, you agree to authorize the CRA to withdraw a pre‑determined amount from your bank account to pay tax on a specific date or dates. You can set up a PAD agreement using the CRA's secure My Business Account service. PADs are flexible and managed by you. You can view historical records, modify, cancel, or skip a payment. For more information, go to Make a Payment and select “Pre‑authorized debit”.
Electronic payments
Make your payment using:
- your financial institution’s online or telephone banking services;
- the CRA’s My Payment service at My Payment; or
- pre-authorized debit at My Business Account.
For more information on all payment options, go to Make a Payment.
For more information
What if you need help?
If you need more information after reading this guide, visit Canada Revenue Agency or call 1-800-959-5525.
For detailed information on topics in this guide, see the provincial, territorial, and federal Income Tax Act and the Income Tax Regulations.
Direct deposit
Direct deposit is a fast, convenient, reliable, and secure way to get your CRA payments directly into your account at a financial institution in Canada. To enrol for direct deposit or to update your banking information, go to Direct deposit.
Forms and publications
To get our forms and publications, go to Forms and publications or call one of the following numbers:
- from Canada and the United States, 1-800-959-5525;
- from outside Canada and the United States, 613-940-8497. We accept collect calls by automated response. You may hear a beep and experience a normal connection delay.
Electronic mailing lists
We can notify you by email when new information on a subject of interest to you is available on our website. To subscribe to our electronic mailing lists, go to Electronic mailing lists.
Teletypewriter (TTY) users
If you have a hearing or speech impairment and use a TTY call 1-800-665-0354 during regular business hours.
Make a service complaint
You can expect to be treated fairly under clear and established rules, and get a high level of service each time you deal with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA); see the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
If you are not satisfied with the service you received, try to resolve the matter with the CRA employee you have been dealing with or call the telephone number provided in the CRA’s correspondence. If you do not have contact information, go to Contact information.
If you still disagree with the way your concerns were addressed, you can ask to discuss the matter with the employee’s supervisor.
If you are still not satisfied, you can file a service complaint by filling out Form RC193, Service-Related Complaint. For more information, go to Make a service complaint.
If the CRA has not resolved your service-related complaint, you can submit a complaint with the Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsman.
Reprisal complaint
If you believe that you have experienced reprisal, fill out Form RC459, Reprisal Complaint.
For more information about reprisal complaints, go to Reprisal Complaints.
Taxpayer Bill of Rights
The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBR) describes and defines 16 rights and builds upon the CRA's corporate values of professionalism, respect, integrity, and cooperation. It describes the treatment you are entitled to when you deal with the CRA. The TBR also sets out the CRA Commitment to Small Business to ensure their interactions with the CRA are conducted as efficiently and effectively as possible.
For more information about your rights and what you can expect when you deal with the CRA, go to Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
Due dates
When the due date falls on a Saturday, a Sunday, or a public holiday recognized by the CRA, we consider your payment to be on time if we receive it on the next business day. Your return is considered on time if we receive it or if it is postmarked on or before the next business day.
For more information, go to Important dates.
Non-resident corporation enquiries
If you have a question about a non-resident corporation account, go to Businesses – International and non-resident taxes or call:
Within Canada and continental United States
Monday to Friday (except holidays)
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (local time)
From outside Canada and continental United States
Monday to Friday (except holidays)
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Eastern time)
We accept collect calls by automated response. You may hear a beep and experience a normal connection delay.
Mailing address
You may write to:
International and Ottawa Tax Services Office
Post Office Box 9769, Station T
Ottawa ON K1G 3Y4
- Active business income – Schedule 7
- Amalgamated corporations
- Appeals
- Associated corporations – Schedules 23 and 49
- Authorizing representatives and employees
- Available-for-use rule
- Balance-due day
- Bar Code (2D)
- Base amount of Part I tax
- Books and records
- Business limit – Schedule 23
- Business number
- Canadian film or video production tax credit – Form T1131
- Capital cost allowance (CCA) – Schedule 8
- Capital gains refund (federal and provincial or territorial) – Schedule 18
- CCA rates and classes
- Charitable donations – Schedule 2
- Control
- Credit unions
- Cumulative eligible capital deduction – Schedule 10
- Deferred income plans – Schedule 15
- Direct deposit – Form RC366
- Dispositions of capital property – Schedule 6
- Dividends – Schedule 3
- Earned depletion base – Schedule 12
- Election not to be associated – Schedule 28
- Eligible dividend
- Exemption from tax under section 149
- Federal qualifying environmental trust tax credit
- Federal qualifying environmental trust tax credit refund
- Federal tax abatement
- Filing requirements
- Film or video production services tax credit refund
- Final return (dissolution)
- Foreign
- Functional currency
- General Index of Financial Information (GIFI)
- Gifts, Ecological – Schedule 2
- Gifts of cultural property – Schedule 2
- Gifts of medicine – Schedule 2
- Inactive corporations
- Income exempt under paragraph 149(1)(t)
- Instalment due dates
- Instalment payments
- Internet business activities – Schedule 88
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- Investment
- Mandatory Internet filing
- Mandatory electronic filing for tax preparers
- Manufacturing and processing profits deduction – Schedule 27
- NAICS codes
- Net income (or loss) for income tax purposes – Schedule 1
- New corporations – Schedule 24
- Non-profit organizations
- Non-resident
- Part I tax
- Part II surtax – Schedule 46
- Part III.1 Tax – Schedule 55
- Part IV tax – Schedule 3
- Part IV.1 tax – Schedule 43
- Part VI tax – Schedules 38, 39, 42
- Part VI.1 tax – Schedules 43, 45
- Part XIII.1 tax – Schedule 92
- Part VI.1 tax deduction
- Part XIV tax – Schedule 20
- Partnerships
- Patronage dividend deduction – Schedule 16
- Payments to non-residents – Schedule 29
- Payments to residents – Schedule 14
- Penalties
- Permanent establishment
- Personal services business
- Provincial and territorial tax and credits
- Provincial or territorial
- Reassessments
- Reduced business limit
- Refundable dividend tax on hand
- Refundable portion of Part I tax
- Related corporations – Schedule 9
- Reserves
- Scientific research and experimental development expenditures – Form T661
- Shareholder information – Schedule 50
- Short return (T2)
- Small business deduction
- Specified investment business
- Specified partnership income or loss
- Tax rate (basic)
- Tax reduction
- Tax shelter loss or deduction – Form T5004
- Tax withheld at source
- Taxable income
- Transactions
- Date modified:
- 2017-01-30