Step 1 – Find out if the information is already available


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Step 1 – Find out if the information is already available

You can access most of your personal information, and other information the CRA holds, by visiting My Account or by calling the CRA.

For individuals

Go to My Account for your:

  • personal income tax returns
  • information slips (for example, T4, T4A, T5, RRSP receipts)
  • notices of assessment or reassessment
  • statements of income and deductions for previous tax years
  • personal information, such as addresses, direct deposit and representative authorizations

For a complete list of information you can get through My Account, go to About My Account.
If you can’t find the information you are looking for at My Account, call 1-800-959-8281

For businesses

Go to My Business Account for your:

  • tax returns
  • corporate account balance
  • account transactions
  • notices of assessment or reassessment

For a complete list of information you can get through My Business Account, go to What can I do on my Business Account.

If you can’t find the information you are looking for at My Business Account, call 1-800-959-5525

For charities

Requests from the public:

Go to the Charities Listings:

  • to find out if a charity is registered, revoked, annulled, suspended, or penalized
  • to access a charity’s contact information, general activities, and additional financial information including the public portions of a charity’s Form T3010 Annual information return

Go to How to get information about a charity or call 1-800-267-2384 to get a copy of:

  • a charity’s governing documents, including its statement of purpose
  • the public portions of a charity’s application for registration and notification of registration, including any conditions or warnings
  • the names of a charity's directors/trustees and when they held the positions
  • the charity’s financial statements filed with its annual information return
  • letters the CRA has sent to a charity about the reasons for revocation or annulment
  • letters or notices the CRA has sent to a charity about a suspension or an assessment of tax or penalty (other than the amount of revocation tax)
  • the information filed to support requests for re-designations, associated status and permission to accumulate property

Requests from authorized representatives:

Go to Charities or call 1-800-267-2384 to get the information outlined above as well as additional documents from the charity’s file (for example, general correspondence or audit files).


Registered charities and other qualified donees are taxpayers as defined under the Income Tax Act. Like any other taxpayer, their tax information is protected under the Act as confidential taxpayer information. However, for transparency purposes, the Act allows for specific information about a charity to be made available to the public.

Other information available online

Through our commitment to transparency, the following information is available:

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