Frequently asked questions - How can GroupID help me manage my employees?


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Frequently asked questions - How can GroupID help me manage my employees?

  1. What is a group identifier (GroupID)?
  2. What are the advantages of creating a GroupID?
  3. How do I associate representatives to my group?
  4. What is an administrator?
  5. Can I have more than one administrator?

1. What is a group identifier (GroupID)?

A GroupID is a unique identifier you get when you create a group within the Represent a Client service.

2. What are the advantages of creating a GroupID?

  • Business owners can authorize a group of employees (for example, the payroll division) on a single Form RC59, Business Consent Form, instead of submitting a separate form for each new employee.
  • Having a GroupID facilitates the management of employees; new authorization forms are not required when a new employee joins the organization.
  • Business owners can delegate managing the grouping of employees to an administrator, for example, the manager of the payroll department.
  • Having a GroupID promotes transparency since group administrators are able to view the transactions performed on business accounts by representatives assigned to the group.

3. How do I associate representatives to my group?

Before you can associate representatives to your group, they will need to register for a RepID through the "Register yourself" link on the Represent a Client welcome page.

Once you have RepIDs from your representatives:

  • log in to the service;
  • select "Review and update";
  • select the GroupID;
  • select "Manage representatives’ access"; and
  • select "Associate representatives" to associate them to the group.

GroupID registered in RAC – Group administrator, representative permissions as of October 2014

GroupID registered in RAC – Group administrator, representative permissions as of October 2014
Option Group Admin Senior Rep Junior Rep
Associate representatives Yes No No
Associate Group administrators Yes No No
Assign privileges Yes No No
View list of employees/group members Yes No No
Modify employee/group member associations Yes No No
View employee/group member activity Yes No No
Disassociate an employee/group member Yes No No
Re-associate an employee/group member Yes No No
Delete employee/group member association Yes No No
* View and download list of clients for the GroupID Yes When Manage clients privilege is assigned When Manage clients privilege is assigned
View and update the GroupID information Yes No No
Cancel the GroupID Yes No No
Suspend the GroupID Yes No No
Unsuspend the GroupID Yes No No
Add business authorization Yes When the privilege is assigned When the privilege is assigned
* Delete Authorization Yes When Manage clients privilege is assigned When Manage clients privilege is assigned
Manage online mail Yes No No
Access mail Yes When Manage access mail privilege is assigned When Manage access mail privilege is assigned

* Manage business clients privilege:

The Manage business clients privilege groups these two permissions:

  • View and download list of clients for the GroupID
  • Delete Authorization

The privilege can be assigned to a representative in any role.

* Manage individual clients privilege:

The Manage individual clients privilege groups these two permissions:

  • View and download list of clients for the GroupID
  • Delete Authorization

The privilege can be assigned to a representative in any role.


Where these privileges are assigned to an employee/group member, they will have the ability to perform all of the permissions grouped under that privilege.

4. What is an administrator?

An administrator can access accounts of clients who have authorized the GroupID. The administrator is also able to manage the group by associating representatives to the group or disassociating representatives from the group.

5. Can I have more than one administrator?

Yes. You can associate other representatives to the group as an administrator.

Your business clients should access My Business Account and enter the GroupID to authorize a group. Business clients can also authorize a representative by completing Form RC59, Business Consent Form.

For more information, consult the Authorize a representative Web page.

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