Regulation 2411

Subsection 2411(3)

Paragraph 2411(3)(a)

Administrative Policy

14 May 2015 CLHIA Roundtable, 2015-0573861C6 - 2015 CLHIA Roundtable-Regulation 2411(3)(a)election

Can an insurer elect under Reg. 2411(3)(a) subsequently to filing its income tax return? CRA responded:

There is no specific provision for the acceptance of a late filed election under paragraph 2411(3)(a)… .

The court cases and the Rulings opinions…[respecting] late filed designations under paragraph 55(5)(f) or subsection 104(13.1)… can be distinguished from an election under the Act. … Administratively, there is no requirement that the CRA extend the taxpayer relief provisions to elections other than those listed in section 600 of the Regulations.

Locations of other summaries Wordcount
Tax Topics - Income Tax Regulations - Regulation 600 89