Tax Interpretations Subscription Rates

This page is the official "Current Billing Formula" under the Subscription Agreement.

The amount of the Formula is the sum of the subscription fees of all of the Subscriber's End-Users, in accordance with the following table:

Price Table

Individual $920/year
Firm/office - 1st-5th End-user $920/year per user
Firm/office - 6th+ End-user* $310/year per additional user
Government - 1st-5th End-user $460/year per user
Government - 6th+ End-user* $155/year per additional user

* I.e. the marginal rate lowers for the 6th end-user - the 1st-5th users are still at the higher initial rate.

All prices are in Canadian Dollars and do not include applicable GST/HST.