CRA indicates that it may no longer consider commercial printing or photocopying operations to be M&P

9406917 F indicated that:

photocopying activities from a photocopier equipped with a computer and the activities of assembling photocopies with a flange constitute the manufacturing or processing of goods for sale.

However, this position relied in part on the analogous activities of a commercial printer (including publisher) which, in IT-145R, para. 42, were considered to constitute manufacturing or processing. This position was not carried forward when IT-145R was replaced by Folio S4-F15-C1.

After also referring to Will-Kare, CRA stated:

Consequently, considering the new case law, the cancellation of IT-145R and the technological progress of the last 25 years in the field of photocopying, we cannot confirm or deny that the position taken in the Interpretation continues to reflect the position of the CRA. If we had a specific file under study, we would have to do a complete re-analysis before making a decision.

Neal Armstrong. Summary of 7 March 2019 Internal T.I. 2018-0781511I7 F under s. 125.1(3) – Canadian manufacturing and processing.