MP, DB, RRSP, DPSP, and TFSA limits and the YMPE


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MP, DB, RRSP, DPSP, and TFSA limits and the YMPE

These tables outline the annual money purchase (MP), defined benefit (DB), registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP) and the tax-free savings account (TFSA) limits, as well as the year's maximum pensionable earnings (YMPE).

MP, DB, RRSP and DPSP limits, and the YMPE.
Year MP limit DB limit RRSP dollar limit DPSP limit
(1/2 MP limit)

1/9 the money purchase limit

2017 $26,230 $2,914.44 $26,010 $13,115 $55,300
2016 $26,010 $2,890.00 $25,370 $13,005 $54,900
2015 $25,370 $2,818.89 $24,930 $12,685 $53,600
2014 $24,930 $2,770.00 $24,270 $12,465 $52,500
2013 $24,270 $2,696.67 $23,820 $12,135 $51,100
2012 $23,820 $2,646.67 $22,970 $11,910 $50,100
2011 $22,970 $2,552.22 $22,450 $11,485 $48,300
2010 $22,450 $2,494.44 $22,000 $11,225 $47,200
2009 $22,000 $2,444.44 $21,000 $11,000 $46,300
2008 $21,000 $2,333.33 $20,000 $10,500 $44,900
2007 $20,000 $2,222.22 $19,000 $10,000 $43,700
2006 $19,000 $2,111.11 $18,000 $9,500 $42,100
2005 $18,000 $2,000.00 $16,500



2004 $16,500 $1,833.33 $15,500 $8,250 $40,500
2003 $15,500 $1,722.22 $14,500 $7,750 $39,900
2002 $13,500 $1,722.22 $13,500 $6,750 $39,100
2001 $13,500 $1,722.22 $13,500 $6,750 $38,300
2000 $13,500 $1,722.22 $13,500 $6,750 $37,600
1999 $13,500 $1,722.22 $13,500 $6,750 $37,400
1998 $13,500 $1,722.22 $13,500 $6,750 $36,900
1997 $13,500 $1,722.22 $13,500 $6,750 $35,800
1996 $13,500 $1,722.22 $13,500 $6,750 $35,400
1995 $15,500 $1,722.22 $14,500 $7,750 $34,900
1994 $14,500 $1,722.22 $13,500 $7,250 $34,400
1993 $13,500 $1,722.22 $12,500 $6,750 $33,400
1992 $12,500 $1,722.22 $12,500 $6,250 $32,200
1991 $12,500 $1,722.22 $11,500 $6,250 $30,500
1990 $11,500 $1,722.22 (Old limits) $5,750 $28,900
TFSA dollar limit
2017 $5,500
2016 $5,500
2015 $10,000
2014 $5,500
2013 $5,500
2012 $5,000
2011 $5,000
2010 $5,000
2009 $5,000
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