Identification section of Form T2125


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Identification section of Form T2125

Complete all the lines of Form T2125, Statement of Business or Professional Activities, that apply to your business or professional activities.

Business number

Enter any program account number (15 characters) obtained from the CRA. For more information, go to Do you need a business number or a program account?.

Fiscal Period

Indicate the period your business year covered. For more information, go to fiscal period.

Industry code

Enter the six digit industry code that corresponds to your business. For more information and a list of these codes, go to Industry codes.


Only use the industry codes from the appendix in the Guide T4002, Business and Professional Income, if you are filing your General Income Tax and Benefits Return on paper.

If you are filing your return electronically, you have to use the industry codes available from your tax preparation software.

Tax shelter identification number

If you have a tax shelter, enter the identification number on the appropriate line. If you are claiming a deduction or losses for the year, attach to your income tax return any applicable Slip T5003, Statement of Tax Shelter Information, and a completed Form T5004, Claim of Tax Shelter Loss or Deduction.

Partnership business number

If your business or professional activities are the activities of a partnership, enter the first 9 digits of the “Partnership account number” shown in box 001 of the Slip T5013, Statement of Partnership Income, you received in the “Partnership business number” field.

Your percentage of the partnership

In the field “Your percentage of the partnership” of Form T2125, enter the “Partner’s share (%) of partnership” shown in box 005 of the Slip T5013 you received, if applicable.

Name and address of person or firm preparing this form

If you did not complete Form T2125 yourself, enter the name and address of the person or firm that prepared it for you.

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