Zero-rated goods and services


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Zero-rated goods and services

Some goods and services are taxable at the rate of 0% (zero-rated). This means the GST/HST is not charged on the supply of these goods and services. However, a GST/HST registrant can claim an input tax credit (ITC) for the GST/HST paid or payable on expenses made to provide zero-rated sales or supplies.

Charities that use the net tax calculation for charities are restricted in the ITCs they can claim.

Examples of zero-rated goods and services are:

  • basic groceries (such as, milk, bread, vegetables, meat, and fish);
  • certain goods when they are exported outside Canada (goods otherwise taxable at the rate of 5%, 12%, 13% or 15% when supplied in Canada);
  • prescription drugs;
  • certain medical devices (such as, wheelchairs, hearing aids, eyeglasses, artificial limbs, canes, and crutches); and
  • the rental of farmland to a registrant on a crop-share basis to the extent that the crop is zero-rated.

For more information, see GST/HST Memoranda Series Chapter 4, Zero-Rated Supplies.

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