Refunding instalment payments


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Refunding instalment payments

We will not refund instalment payments until we have assessed the return for the year in question. We will refund any overpayment [subsection 164(1) of the Income Tax Act], provided there is no debt or missing return on your account or any of your related business number accounts.


You must file a return no later than three years after the end of a tax year to get a tax refund.

We will consider refunding a payment posted as an instalment payment that was intended for a third party.

You can request a refund by using the "Enquiries service" at:

We do not pay refund interest on this type of refund.

Direct deposit

Direct deposit is a fast, convenient, reliable, and secure way to get your CRA payments directly into your account at a financial institution in Canada.

To enrol for direct deposit or to update your banking information, go to Direct deposit.

If, for any reason, we cannot deposit a refund into a designated account, we will mail a cheque to you at the address we have on file at the time of the original refund.

This does not apply for large refunds of $25 million or greater.

Expecting a large refund

If you are expecting a refund over $25 million, you need to be registered for direct deposit and the Large Value Transfer System. Contact your tax centre to register. We will then issue the refund electronically.

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