Manitoba cooperative development tax credit


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Manitoba cooperative development tax credit

Important notice

The elimination of the Manitoba co-operative development tax credit has been announced. Go to What's new for corporations.

Manitoba cooperatives and credit unions with a permanent establishment in Manitoba that make financial contributions before 2021 to a cooperative development fund are eligible for a tax credit.

Calculation for the Manitoba cooperative development tax credit
Contribution Tax credit
$10,000 or less ¾ of the contribution
$10,001 to $30,000 ½ of the contribution plus $2,500
$30,001 to $50,000 1/3 of the contribution plus $7,500
$50,001 or more $24,167

The maximum amount of the refundable credit is $750. The maximum amount of the non-refundable credit is $23,417, for a total credit amount of $24,167.

You can carry back an unused credit to the 3 previous tax years. You can also carry forward the unused credit to the 10 following tax years.

Claiming the credit

File a completed Schedule 390, Manitoba Cooperative Development Tax Credit, with your return.

On line 609 of Schedule 5, Tax Calculation Supplementary – Corporations, enter the amount of the non-refundable credit you are claiming. The amount of the non-refundable credit claimed cannot be more than the non-refundable amount on the T2CDTC(MB) slip and the Manitoba tax payable before claiming this credit and the refundable credits.

On line 612 of Schedule 5, enter the amount of the refundable credit you are claiming.

If you file electronically, keep your receipt in case we ask for it later. Otherwise, file your receipt with your paper return.

Forms and publications

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