Report a problem with Business Registration Online


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Report a problem with Business Registration Online

By email

You may report a problem with Business Registration Online (BRO) by sending all of the following information to

  1. device used (for example, personal computer, laptop, smart phone, or tablet)
  2. operating system used (for example, Windows or MacIntosh)
  3. Internet browser software used (for example, Internet Explorer 11 or Firefox 36)
  4. day and hour of the registration session
  5. business number (if known) or business name being registered
  6. stage of registration process when the problem occurred
  7. information at bottom right of page when the problem occurred (for example, B-BRO_USR.01)
  8. steps you took before the problem occurred
  9. content of the error message seen

By phone

You may call the e-Services Helpdesk for businesses at 1-800-959-5525 to report problems while accessing BRO or problems with features of Represent a Client other than BRO.

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