Definitions for letter S (Business)
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Definitions for letter S (Business)
- Salary
The amount an employer pays an employee for work done. These employment income and wages are recorded on T4 slips.
Self-employed individual
An individual who operates a business.
- Self-employment
The operation of your own business.
- Small supplier
A person whose worldwide taxable supplies were equal to or less than $30,000 ($50,000 for public service bodies) in the last four consecutive calendar quarters combined or in any single calendar quarter.
- Social Insurance Number (SIN)
A number given to each contributor to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Quebec Pension Plan (QPP), and Employment Insurance (EI). It helps record the contributions and premiums paid into and the benefits paid out of the plans. A SIN is also used as an identifier for federal income tax purposes. Everyone who files an income tax and benefit return must provide a SIN.
- Sole proprietorship
An unincorporated business entirely owned by one person.
- Spouse
For purposes of the Income Tax Act, the term spouse only means a legally married partner. For more information, see the General Income Tax and Benefit Guide.
- Statement of income and expenses
Form that summarizes revenue, income, and expenses for a specific period.
- Statement of remuneration paid (T4 slip)
Information slip that shows the income that an employer pays to an employee. Taxable allowances and benefits, such as payments made on the employee's behalf to a provincial health care plan, are included as income. A T4 slip also shows how much the employer deducted for income tax, CPP or QPP contributions, EI premiums, and contributions to the employer's pension plan.
- Supply
For GST/HST purposes, this generally means the provision of property or a service in any manner, including sale, transfer, barter, exchange, licence, rental, lease, gift, or disposition.
- Date modified:
- 2016-01-28