Businesses take notice: Your tax information just got clearer!


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Businesses take notice: Your tax information just got clearer!

Did you know?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is redesigning the correspondence it sends to Canadians, including the Corporation, and Goods and services tax/ harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) notices of assessment (NOA) and notices of reassessment (NOR). The CRA has made changes to how the notices are structured, designed, formatted, and written, making the information easier to read and understand.

Simplified correspondence is part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to make the CRA more client-focused and more helpful by improving the ways the CRA communicates with Canadians.

What does this mean for you?

Starting in October 2016, the CRA will begin sending out two new, simple, and easy to read notices of assessment – one for Corporations, and one for GST/HST. The re-designed notices will have the most important information on the first page, in a clear and simple format.

How have the NOA and NOR improved?

  • The most important information is clearly displayed with the account summary on the first page.
  • The text is easier to understand and includes only the most important information.
  • Additional electronic CRA services are highlighted, including Direct Deposit, My Business Account, and help for persons with visual impairments.

Did you know that you can also access your NOA and NOR through the My Business Account self-service portal? Through the service, you can view your tax assessment information anytime, anywhere.

For a simpler, more convenient way to access your CRA correspondence, go online to or visit for more information regarding these changes.


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