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Community Volunteer Income Tax Program

The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP), offered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), works within communities across the country to help complete income tax returns for eligible individuals who have simple tax situations. Volunteer tax preparer clinics are organized by local community centres. Trained by the CRA, volunteers dedicate their time to helping individuals in their community with their income tax returns.

Who is eligible?

You qualify to take advantage of the CVITP if you meet the income eligibility requirements and have a simple tax situation, are unable to complete your income tax and benefit return by yourself, and are unable to pay for assistance.

When and where are the CVITP clinics run?

Volunteer tax preparation clinics are generally offered between February and April of each year in various locations across Canada; however, some tax clinics operate year-round. Please see CVITP to get information about a community program near you. The CVITP tax clinic service is free.

How does the CRA impact the program?

The CRA supports the program by providing access to a local coordinator, training, promotional products, the donation of surplus computers, and free tax software to assist volunteers in the preparation of simple, straightforward returns. Community organizations are responsible for following the policies of the program, maintaining the confidentiality of taxpayer information, hosting the volunteers, and managing the resources necessary to hold tax preparation clinics.

How can I become a volunteer?

To become a volunteer, you need to be associated with a community organization. Canadians who have a basic understanding of income tax and want to give some time to their communities can register online from October 1, 2010, to January 31, 2011. All volunteers are given free tax training by the CRA to learn how to complete basic income tax and benefit returns. Volunteers participating in these sessions are also provided with a kit of handy references and working material. Becoming a volunteer is easy and rewarding! With the volunteer training session and reference material, you will be ready to help others in your community.

For more information about the CVITP, go to www.cra.gc.ca/volunteer.

Related document

News release: Minister of National Revenue recognizes volunteers with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program

This document is also available for download in PDF format.

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