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Canada Child Tax Benefit

July 21, 1999

The Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) combines a basic benefit amount of $85 a month per child* with the National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS) for low income families. This July, the NCBS increases by up to $15 a month per child. Families whose net income is under $20,921 will receive the maximum NCBS. Families with income between $20,921 and $27,750 will receive a partial NCBS. This will extend the benefit to an additional 93,000 families.

The maximum monthly CCTB amounts (including NCBS) for families with net income under $20,921 for July 1999 are:

Family Size Basic Monthly CCTB Amount* Monthly NCBS Total Monthly CCTB
1 child $ 85.00 $ 65.41 $150.41
2 children $170.00 $114.16 $284.16
3 children $261.25 $156.66 $417.91
each additional child $ 91.25 $ 42.50 $133.75

Families must file income tax returns to receive the Canada Child Tax Benefit. The payments issued in July are calculated using income and family information provided on the 1998 tax returns of eligible individuals and their spouses. Recipients should advise Revenue Canada immediately about any changes to their address or family situation.

It is important that CCTB recipients keep their July notice. By doing so, they will help ensure that any enquiries they have about the CCTB, and certain related provincial and territorial programs under the National Child Benefit, can be handled quickly and efficiently by all levels of government.

For more information, clients can call the following numbers:

Outside these areas, clients can call 1-800-387-1193 toll free for service in English and 1-800-387-1194 for service in French. This service is available weekdays from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time).

*The rate varies in Alberta.

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