Corporate Statistical Tables (2009 to 2013 tax years)


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Corporate Statistical Tables (2009 to 2013 tax years)

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The corporate statistical tables provide key tax and accounting information as of December 31, 2015, for all T2 returns that were assessed or reassessed for corporations with tax years that end within the 2009 to 2013 calendar years. These tables are released yearly.

Explanatory notes

Who has to file a T2 Corporation Income Tax Return?

All resident corporations (and some non-resident corporations - A non-resident corporation must file a T2 return with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) if it carried on business in Canada, had a taxable capital gain or disposed of a taxable Canadian property (TCP) at any time in the tax year.) - including non-profit organizations, tax-exempt corporations, and inactive corporations—have to file a T2 Corporation Income Tax Return for every tax year, even if there is no tax payable. The only exception to this rule is a corporation that was a registered charity throughout the year, which has to file a Registered Charity Information Return. The Income Tax Act requires corporations to file their return no later than six months after their tax year-end. For more information on filing requirements, see Guide T4012, T2 Corporation — Income Tax Guide.


The statistics in these tables include corporations with tax years ending in 2009 to 2013 that filed corresponding corporation income tax returns as of December 31, 2015. Given their unique filing requirements, certain insurance (an insurance corporation that is regulated under the Insurance Companies Act or that belongs to an insurance association) and non-resident corporations do not have to file the General Index of Financial Information (GIFI) Footnote 1 schedules, thus are not included in the tables on total assets and total revenue. Corporations other than insurance and non-resident corporations that omit to produce their financial information are not included in the tables on total assets and total revenue.

The Income Statement (Schedule 125) is used to derive total revenue as well as net income (loss) as reported on corporations’ financial statements. Generally, this net income (loss) will differ from the net income (loss) required for tax purposes as certain income and expenses reported in financial statements are not used in calculating net income (loss) for tax purposes.

Schedule 1 of the T2 Corporation Income Tax Return reconciles the net income (loss) reported in the financial statements and the net income (loss) reported for tax purposes. This is the starting point in calculating taxable income. Taxable income is computed by applying specific tax deductions, such as charitable donations, prior-year losses or taxable dividends deductible under section 112 or 113 or subsection 138(6) of the Income Tax Act and, in certain limited circumstances, adding income on line 355 of the return to increase taxable income to avoid wastage of foreign tax credits. These deductions and line 355 additions are included on page 3 of the T2 Corporation Income Tax Return. Actual T2 forms do not include lines for losses carried-back (capital and non-capital losses), however, when applicable, the taxable income calculation would include such losses.

Tax credits included on pages 4 to 7 of the T2 tax return are applied to the base amount of Part I tax (taxable income * 38%) in order to derive tax payable which takes into account the amount of tax credits carried back to the current tax year.


To ensure the protection of taxpayer information, data have been suppressed where warranted. As well, counts are rounded to the nearest multiple of 10. For example, 104 would be rounded to 100 and 105 would be rounded to 110. Dollar amounts are rounded and in thousands in all tables. Totals may not add up due to rounding or suppression.

Data sources

The corporate statistical tables reflect corporation income tax returns that were assessed or reassessed for the tax years that ended in 2009 to 2013. The data source used to generate these tables is the Corporate Tax Assessing System (CORTAX). It contains data on all corporation income tax returns and related schedules. The Business Number (BN) file was also used to obtain the North American Industry Classification System codes. The data extracted from these sources are as of December 31, 2015.

Changes that impact the data

For all changes in legislation that have occurred during the 2009 to 2013 period, see the federal government budgets and other federal legislative announcements during this period. For additional information please refer to the Guide T4012, T2 Corporation — Income Tax Guide

Description of items/variables

Charitable donations and gifts

This amount includes the sum of all charitable donations and gifts deducted from net income at the federal level. Amounts do not necessarily represent the donations and gifts made during the taxation year, as corporations can carry-forward unused donations and gifts into the next five years (ten years for gifts of certified ecologically sensitive land made after February 10, 2014). More precisely, it includes the following: charitable donations to qualified donees; gifts to Canada, a province, or a territory; gifts of certified cultural property; gifts of certified ecologically sensitive land; and the additional deduction for gifts of medicine. Amounts included in these tables are those reported on lines 311 to 315 of the T2 return.


For the purposes of these tables, a corporation is defined at the unique 15-digit program account number. When a corporation files more than one return in a tax year, adjustments are made to avoid double-counting of stock variables such as total assets. However, when a corporation amalgamates (usually resulting in a change in BN), double counting will occur as it will be treated as a separate entity due to the different 15-digit program account number. Due to multiple year-ends within a calendar year, there are generally more returns than corporations. Inactive resident corporations must still file a T2 return and these corporations are included in tables 1, 2, 7, and 9.

Federal Part I tax payable

The amount of Part I tax payable by a corporation is based on the taxable income for the year. Amounts included in these tables are those reported on line 700 of the T2 return.

Federal tax payable

This is the total amount of tax payable by the corporations to the federal government before refundable tax credits. It includes the sum of the following taxes: Part I tax; Part II surtax; Part III.1 tax; Part IV tax; Part IV.1 tax; Part VI tax; Part VI.1 tax; Part XIII.1 tax, and Part XIV. Amounts included are those reported on lines 700 to 728 of the T2 return.


Jurisdiction is identified using line 750 of the T2 Corporation Income Tax Return. This is the province or territory where corporations earned their income. Usually, this is where a corporation has its permanent establishment. If the corporation earned income in more than one province or territory, “Multi-Jurisdiction” is used. Note that “Newfoundland and Labrador offshore area” and “Nova Scotia offshore area” are included in “Newfoundland and Labrador” and “Nova Scotia” jurisdictions, respectively, in the tables. For the most part, “Outside Canada” includes corporations that do not have a permanent establishment in any of the provinces or territories. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the “Outside Canada” jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.

Net income (loss) for income tax purposes

Generally, the net income (loss) reported on corporations’ financial statements will differ from the net income (loss) required for tax purposes. Certain income and expenses reported on financial statements are not used in calculating net income (loss) for tax purposes.

Schedule 1 of the T2 Corporation Income Tax Return reconciles the net income (loss) reported on the financial statements and the net income (loss) required for tax purposes. Amounts included in these tables are those reported on line 300 of the T2 return.

New corporation

A new corporation is a corporation that files its first T2 Return after incorporation as identified on line 70 of the T2 Return.

North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) sector groupings

Corporations are assigned an industry code based on their major business activity in accordance with the NAICS. Industry groupings are based on the 2012 NAICS coding system according to the filer’s most recent assigned industry code. This classification system was developed by the statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States to provide common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries. When a corporation is engaged in more than one activity, it is classified in the industry that corresponds to its main activity.

The NAICS divides the economy into 20 sectors according to a production criterion, with five sectors being largely goods-producing (Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction, Utilities, Construction, and Manufacturing) and 15 sectors being entirely services-producing industries. For the purpose of these tables, corporations that have yet to be assigned a NAICS code by Statistics Canada have been classified as “Missing/Not Assigned.” The NAICS codes assigned to corporations are based on the December 31, 2015, version of the BN System. The BN System provides a snapshot of NAICS codes. The codes assigned are therefore used over the five-year period of this release. The groupings are based on the first two digits of the NAICS code. For more information on NAICS codes and groupings, refer to Statistics Canada’s website.

Provincial or Territorial tax payable

This is the total amount of tax payable by the corporations to the provincial or territorial governments. Provincial taxes in Quebec and Alberta are not included because the CRA does not administer the corporate income tax in those provinces. Amounts included are those reported on net provincial tax payable or refundable credit fields in Schedule 5 - Tax Calculation Supplementary - Corporations.


The category “Large” includes all corporations with total assets of more than $15 million. All other corporations are classified as “Small and Medium” corporations. Corporations that did not file a balance sheet (Schedule 100 or Schedule 101) are classified as “Missing.”

Tax year

A tax year includes all T2 returns with a tax year end date in the calendar year. For example, all amounts relating to a T2 Corporation Income Tax Return with a starting period of September 1, 2008, and an end date of August 31, 2009, will be included in the 2009 tax year.

Taxable corporation

A corporation is taxable when its taxable income is greater than $10.

Taxable income

This is the income on which the corporation is subject to tax. The net income (loss) for tax purposes is the starting point in calculating the taxable income. Taxable income is computed by applying specific tax deductions, such as charitable donations, prior-year losses or taxable dividends deductible under section 112 or 113 or subsection 138(6) of the Income Tax Act and, in certain limited circumstances, adding income on line 355 of the return to increase taxable income to avoid wastage of foreign tax credits. These deductions and line 355 additions are included on page 3 of the T2 Corporation Income Tax Return. Amounts included are those reported on line 360 of the T2 return and, when applicable, reflect the amount of losses carried back from successive years. Amounts for multiple jurisdiction corporations are allocated by province based on Schedule 5 - Tax Calculation Supplementary - Corporations.

Total assets

This is the total of all current, and capital, long-term assets, as well as assets held in trust. Amounts included are those reported on line 2599 of schedule 100 or 101. When a corporation files more than one return in a tax year, adjustments were made to avoid double counting of stock variables such as total assets.

Total revenue

Total revenue is the sum of all farming and non-farming revenues. Amounts included are the sum of those reported on lines 8299 and 9659 of Schedule 125. Those amounts do not include any deductions for expenses.

Total tax payable

This is the total amount of tax payable by the corporations before refundable tax credits. It includes both federal and provincial taxes. Provincial taxes in Quebec and Alberta are not included because the CRA does not administer the corporate income tax in those provinces. Amounts included are those reported on line 770 of the T2 Corporation Income Tax Return.

Tables in PDF format

Please refer to the explanatory notes about these tables.

Tables in CSV format

Please refer to the explanatory notes about these tables.

Table 1: Number of corporations by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013


  1. All counts are rounded to the nearest ten.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Counts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. Counts include tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  10. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the “Outside Canada” jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.

Table 2: Number of corporations by size and by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013


  1. All counts are rounded to the nearest ten.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding or suppression.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Counts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. A hyphen [ - ] indicates that the information has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes. Suppressed information also includes valid zeros.
  10. The category “Large” includes all corporations with total assets of more than $15 million. All other corporations are classified as “Small and Medium” corporations. Corporations that did not file a balance sheet (Schedule 100 or Schedule 101) are classified as “Missing.”
  11. Counts include tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  12. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the “Outside Canada” jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.

Table 3: Total revenue by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013


  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. Given their unique filing requirements, amounts relating to certain insurance and non-resident corporations are not included in total revenue.
  10. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  11. Amounts include total revenue of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  12. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the “Outside Canada” jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.

Table 4: Net income (loss) for income tax purposes by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013


  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. Amounts include total net income (loss) of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  11. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the “Outside Canada” jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.

Table 5: Taxable income by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013


  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Amounts for multiple jurisdiction corporations are allocated by province based on schedule 5 - Tax Calculation Supplementary - Corporations.
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. Exempt income of insurance corporations reported on line 370 is not included in schedule 5 meaning the allocation of taxable income for multiple jurisdiction corporations will be slightly different from the total.
  11. Amounts include taxable income of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  12. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the “Outside Canada” jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.

Table 6: Total tax payable by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013


  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding or suppression.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. A hyphen [ - ] indicates that the information has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes. Suppressed information also includes valid zeros.
  11. Quebec and Alberta corporate provincial income taxes are not included in total tax payable.
  12. Amounts include total tax payable of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  13. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the "Outside Canada" jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.

Table 7: Number of corporations by sectors (two digits) based on the North American Industry Classification System, 2009 to 2013


  1. All counts are rounded to the nearest ten.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Counts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Counts include tax-exempt and inactive corporations.

Table 8: Total assets by sectors (two digits) based on the North American Industry Classification System, 2009 to 2013


  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Given their unique filing requirements, amounts relating to certain insurance and non-resident corporations are not included in total assets.
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. When a corporation files more than one return in a tax year, adjustments are made to avoid double-counting stock variables such as total assets.
  11. Amounts include assets of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.

Table 9: Number and percentage of taxable versus non-taxable corporations, 2009 to 2013


  1. All counts are rounded to the nearest ten.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  4. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  5. Counts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  6. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  7. A corporation is taxable when its taxable income is greater than $10.
  8. The counts and percentages take into account inactive corporations.

Table 10: Federal tax payable by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013

  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding or suppression.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. A hyphen [ - ] indicates that the information has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes. Suppressed information also includes valid zeros.
  11. Amounts include federal tax payable of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  12. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the “Outside Canada” jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.

Table 11: Provincial or Territorial tax payable by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013

  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Amounts for multiple jurisdiction corporations are allocated by province based on schedule 5.
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. Amounts include provincial tax payable of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  11. Provincial taxes in Quebec and Alberta are not included because the Canada Revenue Agency does not administer the corporate income tax in those provinces.

Table 12: Charitable donations and gifts by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013

  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding or suppression.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. Those amounts include the following: charitable donations to qualified donees; gifts to Canada, a province, or a territory; gifts of certified cultural property; gifts of certified ecologically sensitive land; and the additional deduction for gifts of medicine.
  11. A hyphen [ - ] indicates that the information has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes. Suppressed information also includes valid zeros.
  12. Amounts include charitable donations and gifts of tax-exempt corporations.
  13. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the “Outside Canada” jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.
  14. Charitable donations represent approximatively 90% of these reported amounts.

Table 13: Total Revenue by sectors (two digits) based on the North American Industry Classification System, 2009 to 2013

  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Given their unique filing requirements, amounts relating to certain insurance and non-resident corporations are not included in total revenue.
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. Amounts include total revenue of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.

Table 14: Number of new corporations by jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013

  1. All counts are rounded to the nearest ten.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Counts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. A new corporation is defined as a corporation that files its first T2 Return after incorporation as identified on line 70 of the T2 Return.
  10. Counts include new tax-exempt and inactive corporations.

Table 15: Federal Part I Tax Payable by Jurisdiction, 2009 to 2013

  1. All amounts are rounded and in thousands of dollars.
  2. The sum of the data may not add to the total due to rounding or suppression.
  3. Data are presented on a tax-year basis.
  4. Data are as of December 31, 2015.
  5. Data are subject to change due to newly-assessed returns, reassessments, restatements and carry-backs.
  6. Amounts include all income tax returns that were assessed, reassessed or restated. Amounts included are those reported on line 700 of the T2 return.
  7. Tax year 2012 is approximately 98% complete and 2013 is approximately 96% complete.
  8. Jurisdiction is determined using the jurisdiction code on the T2 return (line 750).
  9. Amounts for corporations reporting in a functional currency have been converted into Canadian dollars using the exchange rate at the balance due date.
  10. A hyphen [ - ] indicates that the information has been suppressed for confidentiality purposes. Suppressed information also includes valid zeros.
  11. Amounts include Part I tax payable of tax-exempt and inactive corporations.
  12. Prescribed federal Crown corporations are placed in the "Outside Canada" jurisdiction if they do not pay provincial income tax.


Footnote 1

The GIFI is a standard list of codes used by corporations to prepare their financial statements. The codes identify items that are usually found on a corporation’s financial statements (balance sheets, income statements, and statements of retained earnings). Each item is assigned its own unique code. This allows the Canada Revenue Agency to collect financial statement information in a standardized format. For more information, see Guide RC4088, General Index of Financial Information.

Return to footnote 1 referrer

Date modified: