Locality code statistics 2009 (2007 tax year)


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Locality code statistics tables 2009 Edition (2007 tax year)

Table 1: all returns filed

  • the first column contains the record type: (length:1) where:
    • 1 - total for locality code
    • 2 - total for census division
    • 3 - provincial total
    • 4 - canada total
  • the second column is the locality code: (length:10) example:
    • 1101101001
    • column 1-2, ie. 11 = province code (see locality code directories
    • column 3-4, ie. 01 = census division
    • column 5-7, ie. 101 = census sub-division
    • column 8-10 ie. 001 = census metropolitan area
    • when record type equals 1 (total for locality code), the locality codes have this format: 1101101001
    • when record type equals 2 (total for census division), the last six digits of the locality codes are all zeros: 1101000000
    • when record type equals 3 (provincial total), the last eight digits of the locality codes are all zeros: 1100000000
    • when record type equals 4 (canada total), all the digits of the locality code are zeros: 0000000000
  • the third column contains the total number of taxable returns: (length:10)
  • the fourth column contains total income for taxable returns: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • column five contains the average income for taxable returns: (length:14) (sign 13). It equals 0 when record type equals 1 or 2.
  • column six contains total tax: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • column seven contains the total number of returns for all returns filed: (length:10)
  • column eight contains total income for all returns filed: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • columns nine to eighteen contain the number of taxpayers in the following income classes: (length:10)
    • column nine: total income under $999
    • column ten: total income between $1,000 and $4,999
    • column eleven: total income between $5,000 and $9,999
    • column twelve: total income between $10,000 and $14,999
    • column thirteen: total income between $15,000 and $19,999
    • column fourteen: total income between $20,000 and $24,999
    • column fifteen: total income between $25,000 and $29,999
    • column sixteen: total income between $30,000 and $39,999
    • column seventeen: total income between $40,000 and $49,999
    • column eighteen: total income equal to or greater than $50,000
  • column nineteen contains the average income for all returns filed. It equals 0 when record type equals 1 or 2: (length:14) (sign 13)

Table 2: by sex (males)

  • the first column contains the sex code. For table 2, sex code always equals 1: (length:1)
  • the second column is the record type. Same as table 1: (length:1)
  • the third column contains the locality code. Same as table 1: (length:10).
  • the fourth column contains the total number of returns: (length:10)
  • the fifth column contains total income: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • columns six to twenty contain the number of taxpayers in the following income classes: (length:10)
    • column six: total income under $999
    • column seven: total income between $1,000 and $2,499
    • column eight: total income between $2,500 and $4,999
    • column nine: total income between $5,000 and $7,499
    • column ten: total income between $7,500 and $9,999
    • column eleven: total income between $10,000 and $12,499
    • column twelve: total income between $12,500 and $14,999
    • column thirteen: total income between $15,000 and $17,499
    • column fourteen: total income between $17,500 and $19,999
    • column fifteen: total income between $20,000 and $24,999
    • column sixteen: total income between $25,000 and $29,999
    • column seventeen: total income between $30,000 and $34,999
    • column eighteen: total income between $35,000 and $39,999
    • column nineteen: total income between $40,000 and $49,999
    • column twenty total income equal to or greater than $50,000
  • column twenty one contains the average income. Equals 0 when record type equals 1 or 2: (length:14) (sign 13).

Table 3: by sex (females)

  • The format for table 3 is identical to table 2 except Sex code equals 0.

Table 4: by sex (total)

  • The format for table 4 is identical to table 2 except Sex code equals 2.

Table 5: by source of income (all returns)

  • the first column contains the income code. For this table, the income code is always equal to 1 for all returns: (length:1)
  • the second column is the record type: (length:1) it is identical to table 1.
  • the third column is the locality code. It is identical to table 1 (length:10)
  • the other 14 columns are as per the following:
    • column four: total number of returns: (length:10)
    • column five: counts employment income: (length:10)
    • column six: amounts employment income: (length:14) (sign 13)
    • column seven: counts pension income: (length:10)
    • column eight: amounts pension income: (length:14) (sign 13)
    • column nine: counts investment income: (length:10)
    • column ten: amounts investment income: (length:14) (sign 13)
    • column eleven: counts self employ. Income: (length:10)
    • column twelve: amounts self employ. Income: (length:14) (sign 13)
    • column thirteen: counts other income: (length:10)
    • column fourteen: amounts other income: (length:14) (sign 13)
    • column fifteen: counts tax-exempt income: (length:10)
    • column sixteen: amounts tax-exempt income: (length:14) (sign 13)
    • column seventeen: amounts total income: (length:14) (sign 13)

Table 6: by source of income (taxable returns)

  • The format for table 6 is identical to table 5 except that the first column is always equal to 0 for taxable returns.

Table 7: top 100 cities (based on number of filers)

  • the first column contains the record type. They are identical to those in table 1 except that record type 2 "cd total" is not required for this table: (length:1)
  • the second column contains the locality code. It is identical to table 1: (length:10)
  • the third column contains the total number of returns: (length:10)
  • the fourth column contains total income: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • the fifth column contains total tax: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • columns six to seventeen contain the number of taxpayers in the following income classes: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • the other 12 columns are as per the following:
    • column six: total income under $4,999
    • column seven: total income between $5,000 and $9,999
    • column eight: total income between $10,000 and $14,999
    • column nine: total income between $15,000 and $19,999
    • column ten: total income between $20,000 and $24,999
    • column eleven: total income between $25,000 and $29,999
    • column twelve: total income between $30,000 and $39,999
    • column thirteen: total income between $40,000 and $49,999
    • column fourteen: total income between $50,000 and $74,999
    • column fifteen: total income between $75,000 and $99,999
    • column sixteen: total income between $100,000 and $249,999
    • column seventeen: total income equal to or greater than $250,000

Table 8: by taxes paid

  • the first column contains the record type: (length:1) it is identical to table 1.
  • the second column is the locality code. It is identical to table 1: (length:10)
  • column 3 contains the total number of taxable returns: (length:10)
  • column 4 contains total income for taxable returns: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • column 5 contains the federal tax paid: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • column 6 contains the provincial tax paid: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • column 7 contains total tax: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • column 8 contains the total number of returns for all returns filed: (length:10)
  • column 9 contains total income for all returns filed: (length:14) (sign 13)
  • the other 3 columns are as per the following:
    • column 10 is identical to column 5
    • column 11 is identical to column 6
    • column 12 is identical to column 7
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