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Locality code statistics by source of income (all returns) - total 2005 tax year Nunavut

Locality code statistics by source of income (all returns)
Income code Record type Locality code Total number of returns Counts, employment income Amounts, employment income Counts, pension income Amounts, pension income Counts, investment income Amounts, investment income Counts, self employ. income Amounts, self employ. income Counts, other income Amounts, other income Counts, tax-exempt income Amounts, tax-exempt income Amounts, total income
1 1 6204001000 390 320 7266 50 408 10 34 0 0 100 328 180 892 8984
1 1 6204003000 4320 3800 193505 350 4666 730 4518 410 6188 1330 8071 670 3288 220235
1 1 6204005000 220 210 4640 30 306 10 10 10 90 80 314 90 395 5756
1 1 6204007000 610 480 12517 60 631 40 89 20 139 170 610 230 1265 15251
1 1 6204009000 720 610 15461 80 832 30 98 60 197 200 1242 250 1225 19056
1 1 6204011000 350 310 6711 40 424 0 0 0 0 80 480 150 712 8330
1 1 6204012000 710 590 14998 80 670 30 198 20 197 180 918 300 1794 18775
1 1 6204015000 440 350 7949 60 485 0 0 10 57 90 614 180 1056 10162
1 1 6204018000 350 310 8154 30 274 20 36 0 0 90 374 140 767 9639
1 1 6204019000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 6204020000 670 590 16375 60 707 40 43 30 475 190 909 260 1278 19787
1 1 6204022000 120 120 4255 10 186 20 9 0 0 40 345 30 92 4926
1 1 6204025000 60 60 2052 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 56 20 73 2260
1 2 6204000000 8970 7740 294262 850 9652 950 5048 580 7486 2570 14302 2480 12838 343588
1 1 6205014000 350 310 6856 40 594 0 0 10 315 80 574 120 669 9020
1 1 6205015000 1020 770 23662 100 901 60 134 20 98 260 2017 320 1850 28661
1 1 6205016000 170 150 4001 20 158 0 0 0 0 50 176 70 371 4717
1 1 6205017000 1340 1230 49060 120 1340 180 556 80 900 360 2302 240 1220 55378
1 1 6205019000 220 210 6178 30 327 10 34 0 0 40 251 50 380 7168
1 1 6205023000 910 680 19679 130 938 60 209 20 9 220 1291 320 1936 24061
1 1 6205027000 390 340 7618 40 211 20 13 0 0 90 487 140 917 9261
1 2 6205000000 4400 3690 117053 470 4469 340 968 140 1334 1090 7098 1250 7344 138267
1 1 6208047000 350 310 6203 30 325 0 0 0 0 80 406 130 834 7786
1 1 6208059000 730 600 20008 90 809 50 102 20 181 170 882 240 981 22963
1 1 6208068000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 6208073000 870 780 31481 90 834 90 177 50 150 260 1255 200 942 34840
1 1 6208081000 550 460 11029 60 567 30 20 0 0 120 602 250 1789 14024
1 1 6208087000 380 320 7229 50 438 10 54 0 0 80 430 190 1585 9769
1 2 6208000000 2880 2470 75997 300 2974 190 360 90 391 710 3575 1010 6131 89428
1 3 6200000000 16250 13900 487313 1630 17095 1470 6376 820 9212 4380 24975 4740 26313 571283
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