Section C - Preparing our new SD strategy


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Section C - Preparing our new SD strategy

The greater part of our reporting period was spent developing our new SD strategy. We began consultations in December 1999, which extended to September 2000. We completed and tabled the final document in Parliament in February 2001. Given that our SD targets relate primarily to internal operational issues and opportunities, much of our consultations focused on internal stakeholders. However, we also participated in interdepartmental consultations with external stakeholders.

Our internal consultations involved our SD network and the National EMS Committee. The former consists of representatives at the senior management level in all branches and regions. To support their work, most branches and regions established SD committees and working groups responsible for obtaining input into the process and monitoring and reporting on implementation. They participated in the five phases of the consultation process:

  • input in the process for updating the strategy;
  • assessment of the 1997 SD strategy;
  • an update of our SD impacts and issues;
  • developing goals, objectives, and targets; and
  • a review of the draft strategy.

A variety of means such as questionnaires, discussion papers, committee meetings, briefings, one-on-one meetings, and draft documents were used to solicit input from stakeholders. The feedback was used to assess the strategy and define goals, objectives, and targets to be pursued for the next three years. At each phase, feedback was summarized and provided to stakeholders. The main findings were that we were on the right track with our 1997 strategy and that there was a need for us to connect people to the strategy through training and awareness.

Our EMS Committee consists of representatives from Headquarters and the regions' administration areas, and their input was instrumental in confirming our significant environmental aspects and refining the commitments for our goal of greening our operations.

For our external consultations, we participated in the Leaders' Forum on Sustainable Development in April 2000. This event brought together federal government and non-government leaders to discuss the SD challenges and opportunities facing Canada. The purpose was to generate advice for federal departments formulating their own SD strategies. The main recommendations were that government departments should:

  • articulate a vision, goals, and objectives for SD;
  • establish focus and co-ordinate activities; and
  • engage Canadians in the decision-making process.

We used this information to develop an action plan that reflected our commitments to work with other government departments in a co-ordinated manner on common goals and objectives. We also participated in the SD strategy consultations with PWGSC 3 to provide them with input into their SD strategy, and to explore opportunities to align our commitments with the overall federal greening initiative.

As we begin implementing our new strategy, we plan to strengthen our consultation process by strengthening our branch and regional SD committees, and by refining our system for soliciting input from staff and other interested parties.

3 PWGSC is a major service provider for the CCRA in terms of real property, telecommunications and informatics management, and procurement.

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