Performance Report on Sustainable Development


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Message from the Commissioner and the Deputy Commissioner

We are pleased to provide you with CCRA's second annual Performance Report on Sustainable Development.The Report reflects the work that our organization carried out in support of our 1997 Sustainable Development Strategy, during the reporting period of April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000.

Our Sustainable Development (SD) program is an important bonding force in our organization, in a number of different ways.It cuts across all programs, operations, and regions.It includes the concepts of equity, fairness, and responsibility.It applies to our client services, as well as our internal management practices.

In our first report, we indicated that CCRA is committed to the concept of integrating SD into the way it does business.As we transform our way of doing business as an Agency, we will want to ensure that our internal policies, programs, and practices truly embrace the concept of SD.

We also indicated that we have enormous opportunities to contribute to the economic, social and environmental well-being of Canada's future.We made steady progress in achieving our objectives over the reporting period.Some of the highlights of our accomplishments include the stocktaking of our SD issues and our systems for environmental management.We have a better picture of our SD issues and where our knowledge gaps need to be closed.We also have a better idea of the good management practices we currently have in place for our environmental issues, and where improvements are needed.

In carrying out the mandate of the CCRA, we face continual challenges.Many are related to external pressures and their impact on our workload and internal priorities. But as we wrestle with these challenges, we must not lose sight of the big picture of what we are trying to achieve with SD, which is, simply a more holistic and sensitive way of managing our business and serving Canadians.

We owe the success of our SD program to our employees.Thanks to their invaluable contributions we can ensure that we remain a solid corporate citizen, contributing our part to the even bigger picture that is, global well-being for the present generation and generations to come.

In the spirit of continual improvement, we invite your suggestions on how we can strengthen our SD program and our performance reporting.

Rob Wright Alain Jolicoeur
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